Star Child

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UI Role Breacher.pngBreacher | Medium Complexity

Honourable Kallosian Warrior

  • Star Child (he/him) is a warrior-poet who values honour, courage, and loyalty above all else. Hailing from the bloodtree forests of Kallos, he draws on the traditions of his ancestors to fuel his strength and shape his purpose as a Freegunner.
  • A fearless warrior that can charge into battle with a devastating Rage Rush and hardened diamond-skin to absorb damage. Effective in close-range engagement, Star Child can knock his enemies back with a Power Slam and deal devastating blows with his Skullbreaker Shotgun.

"Strength comes from within. And from muscles."

Abilities Trailer


UI Weapon Berserker Shotgun.pngSkullbreaker Shotgun

  • Semi-automatic: shells must be reloaded individually
  • Very short range
  • Devastates a wide, front-facing arc
  • Features a hand-filed foregrip, optimised for breaking skulls (hence the name)


UI Ability Berserker RageRush T.pngRage Rush

  • Activated with L1.
  • Charge forward with the additional protection of Diamond Skin.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.

UI Ability Berserker PowerMelee.pngPower Slam

  • Activated with R1.
  • Slam the ground for an area damage melee attack.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.


  • Double Jump

Passive Abilities

Diamond Skin

  • Grants Armour while Rage Rush or Power Slam is active.


  • Kills refresh all ability energy.


Variant I - Diamond Dodge

  • Gain a short burst of Diamond Skin while dodging.

Variant II - Improved Reload

  • Increased Reload Speed
  • Tip: Star Child may be big, but he can also be fast. Use Star Child Variant II's quick reload for a faster rate of fire with the Skullbreaker shotgun. Rage Rush into the fray and, under the protection of your Diamond Skin, spray your enemies with rapid-fire shell shots. Alternatively, ambush them with a leap out of Rage Rush followed by unbridled rapid shotgun fire and a battle cry.


GG S0 Starchild Tooltip C.png

Honourable Warrior

// KALLOSIAN // Born into one of the last warrior tribes

// KALLOS // Exiled after allowing a bloodtree forest trespasser to live

// ETERNALLY LOYAL // Exile did not diminish his commitment to preserving the dying Kallosian culture. He upholds the warrior traditions - honing his diamond skin, penning battle poems, and timing his seasonal evacuations to his distant tribe’s. His vow to ensure the culture survives has him sharing rituals with those not born on Kallos, trusting a select few to help him carry the stories of his ancestors.

Ancestral Honor

GG S0 Starchild Entry 01 C.png

Before the Guild found Kallos, it was a world of warrior clans with deeply held beliefs, devotion to rituals, and generations of honouring the ancestral line. Decades of Guild presence and greed have shifted both the world of Kallos and the practices of the Kallosians who inhabit it. There are very few remaining clans that still hold to the traditional beliefs. The one who was not yet Star Child was born into one of those few clans.

From a young age, it was instilled in him how critical it was to uphold the ancestral ways. His clan carried on their shoulders the weight of all the ancestors of Kallos. They could not let down those who had come before them. In large part that meant defending the remaining bloodtree forests.

Every Kallosian warrior who had ever battled on Kallos’s soil was buried in one of the bloodtree forests that dotted the landscape. The trees were sacrosanct, grown from the bodies of the fallen warriors. Kallosian warrior hopefuls drank of the blood from the bloodtrees, through which they connected to the ancestral warrior might and began to develop their diamond-skin hides.

But as the Guild spread their influence across Kallos they began to harvest the bloodtrees. The timber was durable and beautiful and was desired by the wealthy across the Wilds as they constructed their luxury homes and businesses.

Star Child’s clan had managed to defend a forest of bloodtrees from the Guild, and they valued it above all else. As soon as a young child was of age, the Warrior Rite was carried out in the forest and the new warrior was given an honourable name as they were connected to the ancestral line. It was then their most sacred duty to protect the bloodtree forest.

Star Child dedicated himself to becoming the mightiest diamond-skin warrior to ever walk upon Kallosian soil. He spent hours each day training in the bloodtree forest. Even after he was given his warrior name and fulfilled the rite, he religiously returned to the forest every day, dedicating hours to training with the ancestors. He felt more centred among the bloodtrees than anywhere else on Kallos.

He was committed to saving the traditions of his people and ensuring the warrior line did not die with his generation. He was granted the honoured position of battle poet and became the one to record every battle, victory or defeat. So few still dedicated enough time to master the traditional Kallosian warrior poetry that he was hailed as the greatest hope of his generation. And then he was exiled

Devastating Exile

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Star Child's exile happened on a cloudless day on Kallos when the iridescent bark of the bloodtrees shone in the sun. As was his habit, Star Child was practicing the warrior way among the ancestors when a sound disturbed his focus. He whipped around to see an intruder in the forest.

Instinctively he called forth his diamond skin and prepared to rush at the intruder with the rage of all the ancestors. But something stopped him – the look on the intruder's face. It was not a look he'd seen on the faces of the Guild intruders. It was a look that spoke of deeper beliefs held within. This intruder was not from the Guild. And it was clear that he was injured. Perhaps even dying.

The slight pause in which Star Child had these thoughts was long enough for the intruder to notice him, too. Instantly the intruder seemed to recognize that while he may have escaped whatever threat was chasing him, he was now facing a new threat in front of him – one that could easily end his life. The intruder begged for Star Child to spare him, pleading his case.

Star Child had never heard someone talk as much as the intruder managed to do in a matter of a few minutes. The intruder went on and on, explaining, making excuses, shrugging off obvious blunders, and weaving a tale that seemed fantastical if not impossible, all in an effort to explain how he had come to be among the ancestors of the bloodtree forest.

Star Child had heard enough – enough to know this intruder, however reckless and unwise, was not an enemy. Kallosians were only to kill enemies. But Kallosians were also supposed to kill intruders in the bloodtree forest. Star Child reasoned that if he could get this blundering green Claxton out of the forest, he could allow him to live. He showed the Claxton the way through the bloodtrees and warned him never to return. The Claxton was eternally grateful and vowed that if Star Child was ever in need, he would return the favor. Star Child could not imagine a time when help from this Claxton would ever actually be helpful, but he parted ways with an honorable nod.

As he turned back to the bloodtree forest, he saw the elders of his clan lined up to block his return. In their eyes he had broken one of the most sacred rules. He had failed to kill an intruder in the most sacred forest. They would not hear his arguments; they didn't care for nuance. They were tasked with holding the ancient traditions and protecting the ancestors. They could not bend the rules, not even for their battle poet.

They ordered Star Child's immediate exile, sending him to the stars and taking away his Kallosian warrior name. As he was dragged out, his fingers grasped at the soil of the bloodtree forest, the land he knew so well, had walked so many times, the only ground he ever wanted to know, the ground he was supposed to be buried beneath when he died. He would never see it again.

Nameless and alone, Star Child was broken. As the starship rumbled away from the most perfect world in the Wilds, he took the utmost care to scrape the dirt out from under his nails. It was the soil of the bloodtree forest. He secured it in a small satchel that he vowed to keep with him always. His only connection to Kallos. His only hope of being buried with the ancestors when he died.

Nameless Wanderer

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For a long time after his exile, Star Child wandered the Wilds nameless. He didn't think he deserved a name – a true name was for a Kallosian warrior. He was no longer a Kallosian warrior.

That may have been true to him. But those he encountered in the Wilds disagreed. They saw in him a rare sight indeed: a clan-trained, diamond-skinned Kallosian warrior, one of the mightiest beings in the galaxy. This made him a highly desirable target.

Though he refused to join the ranks of the Guild military, as he was no longer a warrior, he did allow himself to be swept along by those who hoped to use his powers for their own gain.

From the fishing platforms of Leviathan to the battle pits of the Rook, he put in an honest day's work, because that was all he knew how to do. An honest day in the Rook pits, for him, meant unbroken victory streaks the likes of which had never been seen before.

It wasn't long before he started to become known around the Wilds. He sold out the Rook every night he battled, and more bets were placed on him – and against him – than on any other fighter. His popularity didn't go overlooked by Templeton Fry, who advertised the fights at every fuel station and checkpoint, and raked in the coin. Night after night, after night, after night.

The battle was endless, and the treatment was dishonorable. But when Star Child tried to leave, he discovered that his freedom was no longer his own. Templeton Fry had him outfitted with bolts to keep him tied to the pits, and stoked Star Child's rage to get ever more \"entertaining\" battles.

A Kallosian Warrior should have been able to break free from Fry and the pits, but Star Child only saw himself as an exile. His spirit was dying. He was losing more of himself every day.

By the time the Claxton, whose life he had spared in the bloodtree forest, saw him in the battle pits, he was barely recognizable. But Lennox never forgot a face, especially one that had saved his life. Lennox had given his word to help if ever Star Child was in need, and clearly the Kallosian needed Lennox's help.

Lennox led the fledgling crew of the Northstar in an attempt to break Star Child out of the battle pits – an attempt that went terribly awry, leaving Star Child with no choice but to tear off the bolts to free himself and help the crew escape.

It was begrudgingly that he let Lennox convince him to stay aboard for a while. And after he realized that he did not want to leave the ship or the stars, it was even more begrudgingly that he asked Lennox to witness his taking of a new name. He called himself Star Child. One who belongs in the stars and has much to learn.

With that name, he picked up his Skullbreaker again and slowly fell back into the ways and rituals of the warrior. He may not be welcome on Kallos, but Kallos will always be part of him.

Voice Lines

Star Child was voiced by Derek Mears

Please note the lines heard in this video are pulled from the game files and may not quite match what was heard in game post mix





Weapon Skins

Victory Poses

Defeat Poses

Drop In

Additional Info & Tips

Known Facts

  • Star Child is fearless in battle. Trained as a warrior, he barrels straight into the fray, ready to take on whatever he may run into.
  • He shines in close quarters combat, as his skullbreaker shotgun is designed to deliver powerful blows both with ammunition and as a mighty melee weapon.
  • His cries of glory, guttural snarls, and warrior growls ring out across the battlefield-sometimes he needs more than just words to fully express his power.
  • Naturally tough, he protects himself with his diamond skin. When activated, he can withstand a great deal of punishment.
  • Star Child's diamond skin also activates when rage rushing straight at his opponents, allowing him to break through a defensive line or initiate combat.
  • Victory or loss, he commemorates each fight with a hand-penned poem.
  • He chose his name after leaving Kallos, it reflects his journey through the galaxy.

Tips & Tricks

  • Deploy a well-timed Power Slam by using the extra armour from a Rage Rush Diamond Skin to get in close first-rush then slam!
  • Use Star Child's Berserker passive to chain his abilities for a devastating elimination run.
  • Jumping while in Rage Rush lets Star Child make a massive leap forward.
  • Make a melee attack while in Rage Rush to perform a powerful backhand attack.