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UI Role Haunt.pngHaunt | High Complexity

Tempest-Touched Phenom

  • It-Z (she/her), a member of the Zin species, fled her homeworld of Olar when it was threatened by the galactic Tempest. Her family's evacuation ship was impacted by a tendril of Tempest energy, leaving It-Z as the only survivor and granting her a unique suite of Tempest powers. Her adoptive mothers taught her to be a starship mechanic, and she's as valuable to the Northstar crew in the engine room as she is on the battlefield.
  • Capable of slipping through space and creating decoys of herself, It-Z is nimble and unpredictable. She can toss a Cosmic Slip orb to immediately jump to a different location or a Scramble Rebound that disrupts enemy weapons and supercharges her own to gain an advantage in the ensuing chaos.

"Zip zap! Ya done-zo."

Abilities Trailer


UI Weapon Gemini EnergyPistol.png*EL/128 Electrostatic SMG

  • Fully automatic submachine gun powered by a small battery
  • Short to mid range
  • Can be supercharged with Scramble Rebound for increased damage


UI Ability Gemini TeleportOrb.pngCosmic Slip

  • Activated and reactivated with L1.
  • Tosses a sphere of energy. On secondary activation. It-Z will move instantly to the orb's location.
  • Leaves behind a temporary It-Z decoy.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.

UI Ability Gemini AmmoSteal.pngScramble Rebound

  • Activated with R1.
  • Throws chaos energy that will disrupt the enemy's weapon. On contact, the energy attempts to return to It-Z.
  • Successfully collecting the returning energy instantly reloads and supercharges It-Z's weapon.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.


Double Jump

  • Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.

Passive Ability

Mirror Image

  • Dodging or using Cosmic Slip leaves behind a decoy.


Variant I - Evasive Maneuver

  • Mobility increases when at low health.

Variant II - Vitality Charge (Not Released)

  • Catching Scramble Rebound heals It-Z in addition to supercharging her weapon.
  • Tip: Coordination is key to making the most of It-Z Variant II's self-heal potential. Think one step ahead of your enemies and grab Rebounds as they boomerang back to you for a supercharge and a heal. Sometimes a Cosmic Slip will help you get in position to catch a Rebound. Other times a dodge or sprint will do the trick.


GG S0 It-Z Tooltip C.png

Dynamic Phenom

// TEMPEST-TOUCHED ZIN // Possesses powers from Tempest energies

// OLAR // Evacuated as the Tempest encroached

// SELFLESS DREAMER // A Tempest surge struck her evacuation ship, killing most aboard and leaving her with latent powers. She was adopted by two adoring starship mechanics and raised on Station 4, where she mastered superlight engine repair. When her powers manifested, she feared that whatever the true source of her strange abilities, the Guild authorities would label her an unsanctioned mystic. She left to protect her moms, and now lives with a broken heart.


GG S0 IT-Z Entry 01 C.png

Before the Tempest, Olar was the world at the top of everyone’s travel list. Its pleasant climate – warm, but not humid – its location at the cusp of the Wilds, and its picture-perfect ocean fronts put it on the Guild’s radar as a luxury vacation destination. Hundreds of resorts, adventure parks, spas, and timeshare condos dotted the landscape. Olar’s starship docks were among the busiest in the galaxy.

They’ve been nearly empty for eight decades.

The Tempest eruption didn’t destroy the planet entirely – it left just enough of a world to limp along in the shadow of the horrific storm. The people of Olar were forced to do the same, at least those who didn’t have enough coin to charter an evacuation transport. The wealthy fled, leaving behind those who had worked in the service industry to subsist on a dying world.

But they refused to merely subsist. Once it became clear that the Guild’s promise of evacuation was empty, the people of Olar collectively embraced the lives they had in front of them. It was the only life they could have, so they made the most of it. They formed pockets in protected places where life could go on, where beautiful things could be celebrated, where they could love fiercely while they had the time.

It-Z was raised in a tight-knit community that had taken over a beachfront boardwalk and amusement park and made it their home. She grew up playing arcade gamers, riding the gondola to get from one side of town to another, and practicing Tempest drills so that when an energy spike lashed out at Olar, she would have at least a chance of survival.

That life was all she knew and to her it was a happy life. She was well loved, and she loved the people around her. So when her parents came home one night and told her that they had secured a place on an incoming Guild evacuation transport, It-Z felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving Olar behind. But she realized it was the people more than the place that she cared about keeping close. And all the people she loved were boarding the transport with her.

When they tore through the atmosphere and shot away from the broken world, It-Z and her parents held each other and cried. They had just gotten a new lease on life.

And then a Tempest energy tendril struck their ship, killing nearly everyone aboard.

Open Hearts

GG S0 IT-Z Entry 02 C.png

Spacelane comms buoys are set up so starships don't really need a pilot – though most pilots would take umbrage at that. The fact is, as long as the starship is locked into the buoy navigation system, all it needs to do is send power to the engines. The buoys will keep it on course. It's much safer that way, for everyone.

The evacuation ship that It-Z and her family had been on when it was struck by a Tempest energy tendril still had enough power to keep the superlight engines functional. And the navigation system was still locked into the buoy network. So even though nearly everyone aboard had been killed by the Tempest strike, it limped along to its next known destination: Wilds Station 1.

When it docked, the skeleton crew at Station 1 could tell something was very wrong. They feared the worst as they overrode the airlocks to face whatever was inside. It was as bad as they'd seen; death was everywhere. They could tell by the wafting energy echoes that the Tempest was to blame.

The few staff who still worked Station 1 had grown morbidly accustomed to seeing evacuation ships like this one. First they had come from the world of Detour, and now they were coming from Olar. Station 1 was the first refueling stop, and it was usually where the casualties were offloaded.

This evacuation ship was the last scheduled to come through. Detour had been consumed by the Tempest, and Olar was well on its way. The Guild was cutting their losses. The orders had been that once this transport cleared Station 1, all workers were to be relocated to fuel stations across the Wilds.

This wasn't the way any of them wanted to end their time at Station 1. Most of the workers just left, unwilling to stay around for yet one more station-side death rite. Just a few stayed behind to take care of final matters.

Two mechanics, Dinea and Laurel, were some of the last to leave. They stayed back to strip the starship for valuable parts – their way of honoring both the captain and the vessel. When they stumbled upon a small Zin curled up in the engine room, trembling and whimpering, they opened their arms and their hearts to her.

They wrapped It-Z in thick blankets and carried her aboard the transport that would shuttle them all to Station 4 – Dinea and Laurel's new post. There, they nursed her back to health and fell in love with the little orphan Zin. They had already made the decision to make her part of their family when they discovered that she seemed to have Tempest-like energies inside her that manifested as unique powers.

The Guild was out to destroy anyone with energetic powers. While It-Z's powers didn't look much like the mystic powers that the mechanics had heard about, they knew the Guild wouldn't care – It-Z would be perceived as a threat and killed.

It wasn't a discussion; Dinea and Laurel would do anything to protect their new daughter. That meant hiding her powers.

Broken Hearts

GG S0 IT-Z Entry 03 C.png

When given the chance, Dinea and Laurel had always defied the Guild. They had worked as starship mechanics at fuel stations across the Wilds, and no matter where they were, they marked their bay with the symbol that meant non-Guild, non-licensed, and non-registered starships were welcome. They were well known in mercenary and Freegunner circles as the best mechanics in the Wilds – worth a trip to whatever fuel station they were working at to get your starship fixed the right way. Whenever the Guild moved them, they broadcast their new location on the Pirate Net along with their latest fuel-stop recipe, which tended to consist of something from a can being poured into something in a bag and shaken until well-mixed – the most popular was eel chili poured into a bag of spicy brine crisps.

That was the meal they made for It-Z when they sat her down to discuss her powers and explain what they would mean in the eyes of the Guild. Dinea and Laurel didn't want It-Z to think her powers were bad or wrong, but she had to understand that the Guild would think that. They told her that her powers were a wonderful gift, and that she should hone them and grow them if she could. They also taught her how to conceal them from anyone who might report her to the Guild.

So much had changed for It-Z in such a short time. She had left the only world she'd ever known, she'd lost all the people she loved, and she suddenly had powers inside her that she couldn't understand. It would have all been too much if it hadn't been for Dinea and Laurel. She loved her moms fiercely – the only way she knew how to love. She missed her parents just as fiercely, but she knew they would have wanted her to be happy. It was something that was talked about often on Olar. The threat of death was high, so the culture put a lot of weight on the importance of those who were alive living their lives to the fullest, no matter what. It-Z did that on Station 4.

For a decade she worked as a mechanic alongside her moms. They taught her everything they knew about starship repair. She got to the point where she could tell what was wrong with a ship just by listening to the engine as it idled in their bay. She became just as well known on the Pirate Net as her moms, and she loved meeting the mercenaries and Freegunner crews that came to their bay for ship repairs. She traded fuel stop recipes for stories of their adventures. She was truly happy. She felt so lucky to have wound up where she did. In the whole galaxy, she couldn't think of a place that she'd rather be than with Dinea and Laurel.

And then the Guild started their mystic crackdown. They went world to world, home to home, station to station, rooting out mystics and those who harbored them. It-Z heard of the crackdown from a mercenary who had stopped by for repairs. He told her the Guild guards would be at Station 4 in a matter of days – apparently they'd heard reports of a mystic in one of the mechanic bays. Cold fear crept down It-Z's spine.

When she relayed the news to her moms that night, they assured her that everything would be fine, that they would protect her. But this time, she realized it was she who was going to have to protect them. She couldn't be responsible for their imprisonment – or worse. She resolved to leave to keep them safe.

The next day, she stowed away on the first Freegunner ship to dock at the bay; she had to leave before she had time to change her mind. The ship was the Northstar. Lennox found her in the cargo bay eating his brine crisps with a can of eel chili. It smelled so good he asked if he could try it. It was one of the best things he'd ever eaten; he asked her if she wanted to join the budding Freegunner crew of the Northstar.

She's been with them ever since. She hasn't given into the urge to contact her moms since she left; even though she knows they're hurting, putting them in danger would be worse. She checks in on them when she can and listens for their updates on the Pirate Net. And she and the crew make every Dinea and Laurel–certified fuel stop recipe. They're never disappointed.

Voice Lines

It-Z was voiced by Samia Mounts

Please note the lines heard in this video are pulled from the game files and may not quite match what was heard in game post mix





Weapon Skins

Victory Poses

Defeat Poses

Drop In

Additional Info & Tips

Known Facts

  • It-Z spent years learning to control her Tempest powers. Managing that kind of chaotic energy isn't easy!
  • She creates decoys of herself when she dodges. confusing her enemies.
  • She has the unique ability to slip through space, moving around the battlefield unpredictably and leaving decoys behind to keep up the charade.
  • She can also scramble enemies' weapons while charging up her own, and she's mobile enough to take advantage of the ensuing chaos.
  • She's a fashion fan and trades style tips with Bazz and Kyps.
  • She can usually be found in the Northstar's engine room, blasting music and making all the little repairs that keep the ship running.

Tips & Tricks

  • Send out your energy orb for Cosmic Slip shortly before you might need it to make sure It-Z always has an escape plan.
  • Preemptively using Cosmic Slip has the added benefit of splitting the enemy's attention since they don't know when or even if you'll use it.
  • If you dodge in a direction that puts a decoy between It-Z and the enemy, the decoy will block some incoming shots.
  • Use your Scramble Rebound to open an engagement! You'll deal extra damage with your supercharged weapon while your opponent struggles to hit you.