How to Play
This is the in game How to Play section. Updated 2024-09-02. Version: v.2c978676 326256.
"Home is with the people who know exactly what you want on your burger. And you love them for it."
The crew of the Northstar is a tight knit group. They've been working together long enough that they've built trust. And they've been roommates long enough that they know exactly how to get on each other's nerves. But their bond is stronger than their bothersome shenanigans. They've become a found family. They choose to fly together every day and to have each other's backs on and off the job.
Concord means agreement or harmony between people or groups. The Concord game aims to live up to its name. Our social features enable you to easily form and deepen bonds with other players so that you can be the best in galaxy, together.
Squad Bar
- The Squad Bar appears on every screen of the game, so you always know who's in your squad.
Social Menu
- Tap L3 Button to open the Social Menu.
- Here you can interact with members of your squad, all of your Concord friends, and others you have recently played with.
- You'll have quick access to social settings, such as squad permissions, cross platform play, and voice chat features.
Squad List
- From the Squad List, you can interact with members of your squad.
- If you're the Squad Leader, you can kick players out from your squad or promote another player to be Squad Leader.
- The Squad Leader is the one who initiates matchmaking.
- From the Squad List, you can also choose to leave the squad yourself.
Friends List
- From the Friends List, you can interact with all of your Concord Friends.
- You can see how they've customised their business cards.
- You can invite them to join your squad, or you can join their squad if it's open.
Recently Played List
- From the Recently Played List, you can interact with players who you've played with and against over the last few matches.
- If you enjoyed playing with them, you can send them a friend request. Later, you can get back into the fray, together.
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Business Card
"Make a name for yourself... then put that name on a card!"
A Freegunner's business card is a vital part of, well, doing business. It's a way to get your name out there. To let folks know what you're all about. A place to brag about your skills, show off a bit and let your personality shine. So make it your own.
Your Business Card displays your name, your reputation level and progress, your motto, and your preferred stats. You can customise the look of your card and the information on it in the Customise Card menu. You can unlock card customisations a bunch of different ways while playing!
- Icons are small images that show off your style and mood.
- Backgrounds are designs that change the overall theme and vibe of your card.
Side Bar
- Side bars add a splash of colour (pizzaz!) on the side of your card.
- Your motto lets enemies and allies alike know what you're all about-best in the business!
- Choose the stats you want to show off to impress your friends and intimidate your enemies. Or vice versa.
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Freegunner Customisation
"Papa needs a new pair o' boots! Let's do this!"
The Freegunner crew of the Northstar is made up of a bunch of misfits and oddballs from worlds across the Wilds: sparked robots, powerful mystics, assorted aliens, and even a fungal being. They all have unique skills, quirks, and stories to tell. They also all have a unique style.
Customise your characters' outfits, weapon skins, animations, and more in the Customise menu, accessible from the Freegunner screen.
- Outfits change the overall appearance of your character with different colours, patterns, and more.
- This is your Wilds wardrobe.
Weapon Skins
- Weapon skins allow you to change the look of your weapons. Applying a weapon skin affects both your primary and secondary weapon.
- Just because it's business doesn't mean it can't be beautiful.
- Wearables are cosmetic items that are visible in first person, like gloves, rings, and bracelets.
- Flare makes things fun.
- Accessories are cosmetic items that are visible in third person to friends and enemies alike.
- It's all about the details.
Weapon Charms
- Weapon charms are fun little items you can attach to your weapon.
- Maybe it's for the look, maybe it's for the luck, maybe it's for both.
Victory Poses
- Victory poses let you celebrate your crew's wins however you want to.
- BYOC (bring your own cake).
Defeat Poses
- Defeat poses let you choose how you face failure.
- Sorry, you still have to bring your own cake.
- Drop-ins are animations that let you jump from the dropship to the battlefield in style.
- Put the right foot forward... or the left foot. Up to you.
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Galactic Guide
"Play hotshot all you like. Just make sure you got a good escape route."
To get around the Wilds, you need guts, skill, luck..... and a map. That's where the Galactic Guide comes in. Based on stolen Guild spacelane maps from decades ago, the Galactic Guide has grown over time into the ultimate resource for Freegunners-routes, threats, opportunities, it's all here.
The Galactic Guide lets you explore the Concord galaxy and the people and locales that make up the Wilds. New entries will appear in the Guide as you unlock them.
When you first open the Galactic Guide, a number of entries will be available. Over time, you'll unlock additional entries by doing things like the following:
- Playing every week
- Watching cinematic vignettes
- Playing new characters
- Playing on new maps
- Levelling up characters
- Gaining XP
Job Board
"Freegunners are only free if they make enough coin to keep their starships in the sky."
Jobs from the Pirate Net Job Board are the Northstar crew's bread and butter. Freegunners make a living by taking on work no one else would dare to do. They fly through some of the most treacherous space in the Wilds, charge headlong into worlds full of danger, and face down rival crews hungry for a payday. Bottom line: it's hard work, but it's more than worth it-for the freedom.
The Job Board gives you tasks and challenges that refresh on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis. Completing jobs allows you to earn XP and unlock rewards.
Daily Jobs
- Daily jobs are a way to show off your Freegunning skills.
- Each day, a new set of daily jobs becomes available.
- Complete a job by the end of the day to earn the payout. Any jobs incomplete at the end of the day will expire and be replaced the next day.
- After completing a daily job, a new one will become available.
- Complete the Daily Challenge to earn an extra bonus.
Weekly Jobs
- Each week a new set of five jobs is available from an important client willing to pay premium for a crew who will go the distance.
- Each week a new set of weekly jobs becomes available.
- Complete a job by the end of the week to earn the payout. Any jobs incomplete at the end of the week will expire and be replaced when the new week begins.
- Complete the Weekly Challenge to earn an extra bonus.
Seasonal Contracts
- Every season, a dispatcher offers your crew a chance to make your mark on the Wilds.
- Each week your dispatcher will assign you a new contract composed of two jobs.
- Complete a job in the contract to earn that job's payout.
- Complete both jobs to finish the contract and earn an extra bonus.
- Each week, new contracts will be added to the queue and become available when you complete the previous weeks' contracts. All contracts expire at the end of the season.
"A bit of hard work, some light exaggeration, and suddenly everyone knows your name."
Your reputation reflects your overall Freegunner career. The higher you climb, the more you earn.
Reputation Level
- Everything you do in Concord contributes to your Reputation Level.
- Every level comes with a reward and a tidbit of lore.
Seasonal Evaluations
- Seasonal Evaluations are incremental challenges available every season. They're a good way to check your progress. They're also a good way to raise your Reputation Level.
- Complete evaluations before they expire at the end of the season to earn the payout.
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Crew Builder
"No one tougher than my crew."
Every job is different, so why bring the same crew every time? If you've got enough crew members-like the Northstar does-you can take your pick each time you go out and put together the perfect team for the job.
The Crew Builder lets you tailor which Freegunners you have access to during Freegunner Select. You can build multiple crews to suit different circumstances. Whether you're chasing the meta or just chasing a meme, going all-in on one strategy or maximising your options, the Crew Builder's got you covered.
You can build multiple crews, then pick which one to use each time, bringing the right roster for every mode and every mood. In addition to your crew, you'll have access to Backups, whose availability will rotate frequently. (See Freegunner Select for more about Backups.)
Default Crew
- When you start out, you'll have access to the default crew.
- At Freegunner Reputation level 1, your default crew will consist of a small number of Freegunners. You'll also have access to 1 Backup.
- As you gain Freegunner Reputation levels, your default crew size and number of Backups will increase.
- Once you reach level 6, you'll have the full complement of 12 Freegunners, plus 4 Backups.
- Also at level 6, you'll unlock the ability to build your own crew.
Building a Crew
- To build a crew, you can select any Freegunner and any Variants you have access to.
- You have 12 total slots, which you can use to choose different Freegunner Variants or to increase your stock of a particular variant (see Stock below). You must fill all 12 slots.
- Your crew must have at least 5 unique Freegunners.
- You'll pick a name for your crew, selecting from a list of options.
- You can name your crews after the mode they're intended for, a character or role that figures prominently, or a variety of Concord food crimes, among other options.
- When building your crew, you get to decide how often to stock up versus fill slots with unique Freegunner Variants.
- Variant stock is the number of copies of any given Freegunner Variant in your crew.
- For example, you may have 3 copies of Lennox Variant I (stock of 3) and 2 copies of Lennox Variant II (stock of 2).
- You may stock up to 3 copies of a particular Variant.
- In a mode with active Variant Knockout, having 3 copies of Lennox Variant I in stock means you can still select that Freegunner Variant in at least three rounds.
- In modes without Variant Knockout, stocks have no effect.
Tips & Tricks
- It's always good to have a variety of roles on your crew so you can accumulate as many different Crew Bonuses as possible.
- Spending your slots on multiple stocks of the same Variant can give you a leg up in modes that use the Freegunner Knockout rule, but...
- Having multiple stocks of the same Freegunner doesn't help you in respawn modes and may make it harder to rack up Crew Bonuses. So it's a good idea to also build a crew with all unique Variants for respawn modes.
- When building your crew, consider what order you might select the characters in. Getting certain Crew Bonuses or preparing the battlefield can be a big help later in the match.
- Set up persistent deployables like Spot Traps or Trip Mines early in the match, then take advantage of them later on.
- Play a Haunt to get the Haunt Crew Bonus Increased Mobility, or prepare the ground with Lark's speed-boosting spores, then play slower characters like Emari who can use the boost.
- Get the Breacher Crew Bonus Faster Dodge Cooldown, then play characters like Kyps or Haymar who rely heavily on dodging.
- Pick up the Anchor Crew Bonus Increased Healing Received, then play characters like Daw or Jabali who can take advantage of their own healing abilities.
- The order of your Freegunners also matters because your leftmost Freegunner is your default choice during Freegunner Select. If you put your favourite character there, or the one you're most likely to pick in the first round, then you're covered if you find yourself AFK as Freegunner Select begins.
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"Practice makes you... not dead."
Every Freegunner crew starts out the same: a bunch of fresh-faced newcomers with more enthusiasm than experience. So training is critical for crews who want to hold their own when the bullets start to fly.
Concord's Training provides an overview of gameplay basics and gives you a chance to go deeper on three Freegunners Star Child, Teo, and Haymar.
- Training can be accessed from the Play menu.
- Training covers basic gameplay controls and concepts that are universal to all characters.
- Training also provides a more thorough walkthrough of three different Freegunners with unique playstyles, abilities, and movement:
- Star Child: A bruiser who quickly closes great distances before dealing heavy damage with his semiautomatic shotgun.
- Teo: A tactical soldier with a full-auto battle rifle, secondary pistol, and two kinds of grenades.
- Haymar: A powerful mystic who can set the battlefield ablaze with a combination of her unique fire-based abilities and hard-hitting flameshot bow.
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Time Trials
"Oh, I'm gonna break that record. I can taste it."
Freegunners always push themselves on the job. But if you want to stay in top condition, it's a good idea to push yourself in between jobs, too. Some folks train every day, others just when the mood strikes them. Either way, it's good to keep your skills sharp-and if that doesn't motivate you, maybe the bragging rights will.
Time Trials are timed single-player challenges. The objective is to traverse a course in as little time as possible while avoiding hazards and scoring bonus time reductions.
Getting Started
- On entering Time Trials, you'll spawn in a starting area where you can see the Results Board, Leader Board, and a Start Line.
- You can also use this area to get familiar with your character's movement, weapons, and abilities. All your ability charges and cooldowns will be reset when you cross the Start Line.
- When you're ready, cross the Start Line to kick off the race.
- During the Time Trial, if you're not happy with how it's going, you can use the Restart Challenge option in the Pause menu at any time to try again.
- The Time Trial ends when you cross the finish line.
Sectors and Checkpoints
- Each Time Trial is broken down into three sectors.
- The beginning of each sector is a checkpoint, and there are additional checkpoints throughout the sectors. If you're eliminated during a run, you'll respawn at your last checkpoint.
Obstacles, Targets, and Bonus Objectives
- Throughout the run, you'll have to avoid or destroy hazards, including tripmines, tripwires, and other hazards.
- Each Time Trial also features a number of targets.
- Destroying targets gives you a time bonus, reducing your total time.
- Targets come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
- Bigger targets give a bigger time bonus, but also have more health.
- Gold targets refill ability charges and reset cooldowns in addition to granting bonus time.
- Bonus objectives can be seen on the Results Board in the spawn area, or on screen during a run.
- Each race has unique bonus objectives. Each one requires you to complete a particular task one or more times during the run.
- Completing bonus objectives awards time bonuses.
- An objective's time bonus is awarded as soon as you've completed all tasks for that objective.
After you cross the finish line, you'll return to the spawn area. There, you'll have a number of options, including:
- Look at the Results Board for more details:
- Your unadjusted finish time
- Your finish times for each sector
- A breakdown of all contributions to your final time, including targets destroyed, total time bonus gained from targets, and each bonus objective's completion status and time bonus
- How your time compares to your personal records, both for this session and all time
- Check the Leaderboard to see how you stack up against other players.
- Start the course again and try to break your record!
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Practice Range
"Sometimes you just need the space to do things your own way."
Each Freegunner in Concord's roster is uniquely powerful. Use the Practice Range to explore those differences at your own pace.
The Practice Range a low-stakes environment to take Concord's Freegunners out for a spin. Run, jump, slide, shoot, use abilities, experiment, and have fun!
Getting Started
- Practice Range can be accessed from the Play menu.
Freegunner Selection
- After loading in, select the Freegunner you'd like to practise with.
- You can swap between Freegunners at any time by using the Pause Menu.
- Just like in regular gameplay, Crew Bonuses are applied when you swap between Freegunners. You gain bonuses based on the roles of the Freegunners you select (see the Crew Bonus section of How To Play for more details).
- Experiment with different Crew Bonus combinations to see how they change each character's gameplay feel. This can help inform your match strategy and crew building approach.
Lobby Vibe
- There's no pressure to do anything specific in the Practice Range. Take your time to experience each Freegunner at your own pace.
- Targets are scattered around the area. They will respawn shortly after being destroyed.
- Glowing blue items called Sloop Cubes can be found in the Practice Range (just like in regular gameplay). Pick them up to recharge your abilities and reset cooldowns.
Shooting Gallery
- Press the button on the Range Table in the Practice Range to initiate a short shooting-gallery-style sequence. The sequence is unscored, so just have fun and see how it feels to use different Freegunners!
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"Ha! They're sweatin' like a Guildie on the Rook!"
The Sweatstrum is what we lovingly call the spectrum of competitiveness and intensity found across modes. Concord offers a broad range of activities so that you always have a mode to play no matter what mood you're in.
Ordered by Sweatstrum rating from low to high:
- Brawl
- Overrun
- Rivalry
Ordered by Sweatstrum rating from low to high:
- Trophy Hunt
- Takedown
- Area Control
- Signal Chase
- Clash Point
- Cargo Run
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PVP Playlists
"Sometimes I'm in the mood for this, sometimes I'm in the mood for that... But I'm always in the mood for hot sauce."
Dozens of requests pop up on the job board every day. Some clients don't need much, just a quick run to a familiar world and you'll get the payout. Others are asking for things that might seem impossible. There are jobs you could do in your sleep and jobs that will make you wish you'd eaten an extra breakfast sammie before you left the ship. It's always an adventure out there. So decide what you're in the mood for, and plan your meals accordingly.
A playlist is a curated collection of modes, maps, and modifiers. Pick a playlist and you'll be queued randomly for one of the included options.
Playlists will expand and change over time to offer a wide variety of experiences.
- Eliminate rivals in fast-paced respawn modes.
- For when you're looking for fast-paced, low-pressure fun.
Capture and defend objectives from competing rival teams in timed matches with respawns. For when you're looking for deeper strategy and varied ways to help your team.
Put it all on the line in competitive round-based matches with no respawns. For when you're ready to face a challenge and coordinate as a team to win.
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Area Control
Sweatstrum Rating: Medium
"We need to control this location. Hold the zones."
Capture and hold two or more zones to score points for your team.
- 5v5
- Respawn
- Team coordination recommended
Win Condition
First team to reach the target score by controlling 2 or more zones wins the match.
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations.
There are 3 zones located around the map. They will remain neutral until they are captured.
To capture a zone, a player must:
- Be in the zone uncontested until capture is complete.
- If both teams are in the zone at the same time, the zone is contested and the capture progress pauses.
While a team holds 2 or more zones uncontested, they will score points.
- Holding 2 zones uncontested earns points at a base rate.
- Holding 3 zones uncontested earns points at an accelerated rate.
Capture zones can change ownership.
- A team gains ownership by holding the zone uncontested.
When time runs out:
- If a team has more points and controls 2 or more zones uncontested, that team wins.
- Otherwise, overtime begins and the round continues until one team meets the above conditions.
- If the team with fewer points controls or is contesting 2 or more zones, the round will continue until they only control a single zone or surpass the score of the opposing team.
- To win, the losing team must hold two zones uncontested long enough to overtake the rival team's score.
- If the score is tied, overtime begins. The next team to score a point wins.
- If neither team scores a point in overtime, the winner is decided randomly.
When a player is eliminated, they are placed in the respawn queue and a timer will indicate time until respawn.
- Players may access Character Select during this time and choose a different character. The respawn timer will be visible and players must make a selection before time runs out.
- There is a respawn timer penalty for self-elimination.
Cargo Run
Sweatstrum Rating: High
“That Blue Buddy's holding some valuable cargo. Let's grab it before another crew gets it.”
Grab Blue Buddy, plant it at one of the zones, and defend it from the rival crew to win.
- 5v5
- Round-based
- No respawn
- Requires strategic planning
- Team coordination required
- Uses sequential Freegunner selection
Win Condition
To Win a Round:
- Plant the cargo and defend the zone until extraction reaches 100%.
- OR
- Eliminate all players on the rival team.
- If the team with control of the plant zone is eliminated, the surviving team must recapture the zone before extraction progress reaches 100%.
- If they do not, the eliminated team will still win the round.
First team to win 4 rounds wins the match!
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations
Blue Buddy spawns near the centre of the map, but it cannot be picked up prior to its lock timer expiring.
Teams compete to pick up Blue Buddy by running over it after the lock timer expires.
A player in possession of Blue Buddy can:
- By default, drop or plant Blue Buddy by holding A
- Blue Buddy can only be planted while standing in a designated plant zone.
Once Blue Buddy is planted, a capture zone is spawned around it and extraction progress begins.
- Progress is tracked from 0%-100%.
- At 100%, the team who owns the capture zone wins the round.
Capture zones are considered contested if both teams are inside the zone at the same time.
- Extraction progress continues in contested zones until 95% or above, at which point:
- Extraction progress stops until the non-owning team steps out of the zone.
- The non-owning team has a brief window to reenter the zone before extraction progress resumes.
- Extraction progress stops until the non-owning team steps out of the zone.
Capture zones can change ownership.
- A team gains ownership by holding the zone uncontested.
- When zone ownership is changed, extraction progress resets.
- If extraction progress was under 50% when ownership changed, progress resets to 0%.
- If extraction progress was 50% or over when ownership changed, progress is set to 50%.
If neither team has planted Blue Buddy and time runs out, overtime begins. During overtime:
- Blue Buddy will automatically be placed at its original spawn location and a capture zone will spawn around it.
- The capture zone defaults ownership to the team in possession of Blue Buddy.
- If no team had possession, ownership is assigned at random.
- This capture zone adheres to the previously described rules.
Clash Point
Sweatstrum Rating: High
"Get in there and secure the zone. If anyone gets in your way, take them out."
Capture and hold the zone to win.
- 5v5
- Round-based
- No respawn
- Team coordination required
- Uses sequential Freegunner selection
Win Condition
To Win a Round:
- Hold the zone until capture progress reaches 100%.
- OR
- Eliminate all players on the rival team.
- If the team with control of the zone is eliminated, the surviving team must recapture the zone before it reaches 100%.
- If they do not, the eliminated team will still win the round.
First team to win 4 rounds wins the match!
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations.
The target zone is located at the centre of the map. It will be locked and uncapturable for a short time before entering a neutral state.
To capture a zone, a player must:
- Be in the zone uncontested until capture is complete.
- If both teams are in the zone at the same time, the zone is contested and the capture progress pauses.
Once a zone is captured, control progress increases incrementally from 8-100%.
- The owning team does not need to stand in the zone to advance progress.
Capture zones are considered contested if both teams are inside the zone at the same time.
- Control progress continues in contested zones until 95% or above, at which point:
- Control progress stops until the non-owning team steps out of the zone.
- The non-owning team has a brief window to reenter the zone before control progress resumes.
- Control progress stops until the non-owning team steps out of the zone.
Capture zones can change ownership.
- A team gains ownership by holding the zone uncontested.
- When zone ownership is changed, control progress resets.
- If control progress was under 58% when ownership changed, progress resets to 0%.
- If control progress was 50% or over when ownership changed, progress is set to 50%.
If the time runs out before a team is eliminated and before zone control reaches 100%, overtime begins. During overtime:
- The first team to reach 100% control of the zone or eliminate all opponents wins the round.
- If the zone was in a neutral state when the time ran out, ownership will be assigned to the team that most recently made capture progress and control progress will begin.
- If neither team made any capture progress on the zone, ownership of the zone will be randomly assigned to a team and begin incrementing.
Takedown (TDM)
Sweatstrum Rating: Low
"Our reputation is on the line here. Take out the rival crew."
Take down members of the rival crew to earn points for your team.
- 5v5
- Respawn
Win Condition
First team to reach the target score before time runs out wins the match.
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations.
When a player eliminates a member of the opposing team, that player's team gains a point.
When time runs out:
- The team with the highest score wins.
- If the score is tied, overtime begins. The next team to score a point wins.
- If neither team scores a point in overtime, the winner is decided randomly.
When a player is eliminated, they are placed in the respawn queue and a timer will indicate time until respawn.
- Players may access Character Select during this time and choose a different character. The respawn timer will be visible and players must make a selection before time runs out.
- There is a respawn timer penalty for self-elimination.
Trophy Hunt
Sweatstrum Rating: Low
"Collect the rival crew's bounty cards: an old Freegunner tradition."
Take down members of the rival crew and collect their bounty cards to earn points for your team.
- 5v5
- Respawn
Win Condition
First team to reach the target score before time runs out wins the match.
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations.
When a player is eliminated, they drop a bounty card that will disappear after a short time.
A player's bounty card can be collected by either their own team or the rival team.
- Collecting a rival's bounty card earns 1 point.
- Collecting a teammate's bounty card prevents the rival team from scoring, but does not score a point.
- If a player's bounty card falls of the map, a point will be awarded to the other team.
When time runs out:
- The team with the highest score wins.
- If the score is tied, overtime begins. The next team to score a point wins.
- If neither team scores a point in overtime, the winner is decided randomly.
Signal Chase
Sweatstrum Rating: Medium
"Track down the Guild relay signal. They have intel we can use."
Capture and hold a series of signal zones to score points for your team.
- 5v5
- Respawn
- Team coordination recommended
Win Condition
First team to reach the target score before time runs out wins the match.
Each team of 5 is dropped onto the map at one of two starting locations.
The first zone will be locked and uncapturable for a short time.
Once the zone is unlocked, it can be captured by either team until it expires.
To capture a zone, a player must:
- Be in the zone uncontested until capture is complete.
- If both teams are in the zone at the same time, the zone is contested and the capture progress pauses.
Once a zone is captured, the capturing team will earn points for every second the zone is held uncontested.
If the zone is contested, scoring halts until the contested state is resolved.
Capture zones can change ownership.
- A team gains ownership by holding the zone uncontested.
Shortly before an active zone expires, a new zone indicator will appear above the location of the next zone. When the active zone expires, the new zone will spawn immediately.
When time runs out:
- The team with the highest score wins if the zone is uncontested.
- If the score is tied, overtime begins. The next team to score a point wins.
- If neither team scores a point in overtime, the winner is decided randomly.
- If the score is not tied, but the losing team controls the zone or is contesting it, overtime begins.
- To win, the losing team must hold the zone long enough to overtake the rival team's score.
When a player is eliminated, they are placed in the respawn queue and a timer will indicate time until respawn.
- Players may access Character Select during this time and choose a different character. The respawn timer will be visible and players must make a selection before time runs out.
- There is a respawn timer penalty for self-elimination.
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Freegunner Roles
"This right here? Best crew in the galaxy. No contest."
All Freegunners have a role on the crew... a job that they're best at. Like a crew, a team often benefits most from diversifying across roles.
- Controls an area with undeniable presence.
- Can act as a rally point for their team.
- e.g. Emari
- Starts fights or breaks into enemy defences.
- The tip of the spear.
- e.g. Star Child
- Thrives on surprise and chaos.
- Highly mobile; can't be ignored without consequences.
- e.g. It-Z
- Versatile combatant. Universally adept.
- Agile and prepared to react to almost any scenario.
- e.g. Teo
- Bends a battlefield to their advantage.
- Most effective when they set up before a fight.
- Often equipped with deployables that persist on the field for significant time and/or across rounds.
- e.g. Lark
- Controls sightlines and chokepoints with ranged attacks.
- Gives the team a chance to move in and/or set up.
- e.g. Vale
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Skill Loops
"Gotta keep trying. There's no place for quitters in the Wilds."
Skill Loops, or SLOOPS, allow you to recharge your abilities with skilful gameplay and maintain combat effectiveness.
- Most abilities have limited energy or charges.
- Some abilities have a cooldown period after activation.
- An ability cannot be used while it is drained and/or on cooldown.
- Using an ability will drain energy, remove a charge, and/or initiate a cooldown.
- Freegunners have different methods, called SLOOPS, to earn back their abilties.
- See the entries for individual Freegunners to learn about their SLOOPS and how each ability is refreshed.
Here's an example:
- Jabali uses his Life Pulse Orb to heal himself and/or his allies.
- When Jabali runs out of Life Pulse Orbs, he can restore a charge by:
- Eliminating an opponent.
- OR
- Dealing damage to an enemy (or an enemy deployable) with a Hunter Orb.
- Hunter Orbs recharge automatically after a short cooldown.
- This allows you to reliably use Hunter Orbs to ensure Jabali always has a Life Pulse Orb available.
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Crew Bonuses
"A diverse team working together will beat a pack of one-trick loners every time."
Crew Bonuses are small, cumulative bonuses that add a strategic element to Freegunner Selection. As the match progresses, swap between characters (and roles) to gain these benefits and stack them up.
- You gain bonuses based on the ROLES of the Freegunners you select during the round.
- For example, both Emari and 1-OFF have the Anchor role, so they both grant the Anchor Crew Bonus - Increased Healing Received.
- The Crew Bonuses you earn persist across the entire match.
- For example, playing as Teo in round one will give every Freegunner you play in the following rounds the Ranger Crew Bonus - Improved Weapon Recoil.
- As the Crew Bonuses you earn stack up over a match, the Freegunners you play will be more versatile and powerful.
- Stacking Crew Bonuses in different orders or prior to picking certain Freegunners can be especially advantageous.
- For example, you might want to activate the Tactician Crew Bonus - Faster Reload Speed before playing Freegunners with slower reload times, like Star Child or Emari.
- Each Crew Bonus is activated only once per match, even if you play as multiple Freegunners of a given role.
Anchor Crew Bonus
Increased Healing Received
Breacher Crew Bonus
Faster Dodge Cooldown
Haunt Crew Bonus
Improved Mobility
Ranger Crew Bonus
Improved Weapon Recoil
Tactician Crew Bonus
Faster Reload Speed
Warden Crew Bonus
Improved Weapon Range
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Status Effects
"Pro-tip: don't mess with someone who can light you on fire."
Status effects are positive or negative effects that persist over time. They can be applied by weapons, abilities, or deployables.
Positive Status Effects
Damage Resist Up
- All incoming damage is greatly reduced.
- Multiple instances stack.
Dexterity Up
- Weapon reloading, stowing, and readying speed is increased.
- Multiple instances stack.
Dormant Healing
- Healing does not cancel when you take damage, but instead pauses for a time.
- Your health is restored over time.
- Damage taken while healing cancels healing.
- Multiple instances stack.
Mobility Up
- Movement speed is increased.
- Multiple instances stack.
- A protective barrier that adds to your health and absorbs damage. Multiple instances stack.
- Makes you invisible to other players.
- Teammates see your nameplate and outline.
- Cancels and prevents the Revealed and Tracked statuses.
- Buffs your weapon. Supercharged weapons may have increased damage output or rate of fire.
Negative Status Effects
- All vision is blocked briefly.
- Minimap is also inaccessible for the duration of the effect.
- NOTE: Photosensitive players can modify the full screen 'Flash Colour' in the Interface section of the Settings menu.
- Damage inflicted by touching fire. Continues to burn for a short time.
- Healing cancels lingering burn damage.
- Shields are disrupted, active abilities are cancelled, and abilities are blocked.
- Revealed
- All enemies can detect you through walls.
- Stealth cancels and prevents this effect.
- Movement speed is decreased.
- Multiple instances stack.
- Indicates that an enemy is detecting you through walls.
- Stealth cancels and prevents this effect.
- Incoming damage is increased.
- Multiple instances stack.
Weak To Fire
- Incoming fire damage is increased.
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Freegunner Variants
"Don't worry, I've got a few more tricks."
The galaxy's big, but the world of Freegunners is actually pretty small. Once you've been around for a while, seen the same faces across the battlefield from you a few times, you start to get a feel for their fighting style... and they get a feel for yours. The best thing you can do is switch things up a little. Learn some new tricks, and you'll have them on the back foot in no time.
Variants are different versions of Freegunners that each come with their own Variant Combat Trait-a small perk or boost that sets them apart on the battlefield. You can check out each Freegunner's Variants on their How to Play page.
- Every Freegunner is a Variant, so you always have a Variant Combat Trait to give you a boost.
- Variants are identified with a Roman numeral-e.g., Lennox I, Roka II.
- When you select a Freegunner, you'll also select which Variant to play as.
- Each Freegunner has at least two Variants, with new ones released over time.
- Variants are chosen separately in the Crew Builder, so you can have multiple Variants of a Freegunner in your crew and switch between them any time you select a Freegunner.
- Variants are customised separately in the Customisation menu. You can outfit your Variants differently to help you keep them straight!
- A Freegunner's role, weapons, abilities, and passives are the same across all Variants. Only the Variant Combat Trait changes, although it may modify numerical values like ammo or ability charges.
Variant Combat Traits
Each Variant has a Variant Combat Trait. Some traits are repeated across Freegunners, such as increased ammo, although the exact effects may vary.
Variant Combat Traits take a wide variety of forms, including:
- Adjustments to amount of ammo, ability charges, or damage
- Additional ways to reload your weapons or recharge your abilities New passive abilities
- Boosts to your abilities' effects
- New perks or rewards for using your abilities
- And more..
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Freegunner Select
"Let's get people talking."
In most modes, you can select which Freegunner Variant to use. This is known as Freegunner Select.
- Freegunner Select works differently between different modes.
- Freegunner Select is always populated by whatever crew you have selected within the Crew menu.
- Your crew will consist of a variety of different Freegunners, each of which will have a Variant number (e.g. Lennox Variant I, Lennox Variant II etc.)
There are two distinct Freegunner Selection styles:
Free Select
- Used in respawn-based modes.
- At the start of the match, the entire team is on the clock and selects Freegunner Variants simultaneously. Selections are first come, first served.
- As long as there's time remaining, you may unselect your current Freegunner Variant and choose any other available Freegunner Variant instead.
- During the match, you are given an opportunity to reselect before respawning or you can choose to continue with the same Freegunner Variant.
Sequential Select
- Used in round-based modes.
- At the start of each round, your team takes turns selecting Freegunner Variant, moving from left to right. Each player selects a Freegunner Variant from their crew.
- You have a limited amount of time to choose a Freegunner Variant.
- If time runs out before you have selected, the leftmost available Freegunner Variant will be selected for you.
- Before you turn, you can flag a specific Freegunner Variant with a heart (by pre-selecting) to inform your teammates that you want to select that Freegunner Variant.
- On your turn, if your requested Freegunner Variant is available, they will be auto-selected. (Keep an eye on things, that Freegunner Variant might not be there!).
- Once all players on both teams have selected, the round begins.
- Each round, the selection order changes. Each player moves one spot to the left, and the player who previously picked first now picks last.
There are things you should know about Selection Lockout and Knockout:
Freegunner Lockout
- In most modes, you can only have one instance of any Freegunner, regardless of Variant, per team.
- In other words, a team may only have one Lennox at a time.
- Most modes have this setting enabled by default.
Variant Knockout
- In some modes, you lose access to a Freegunner Variant after playing that Freegunner during a winning round. Most round-based modes have this setting enabled by default.
Tips & Tricks
Variant Stock Can Counter Variant Knockout
- Variant Stock is the number of copies of any given Freegunner Variant in your crew.
- For example, you may have 3 copies of Lennox Variant I (stock of 3) and 2 copies of Lennox Variant II (stock of 2).
- In a mode with active Variant Knockout, having 3 copies of Lennox Variant I in stock means you can still select that Freegunner Variant in at least three rounds.
- When building your crew, you get to decide how often to stock up versus fill slots with unique Freegunner Variants.
- NOTE: While stocking up helps in Variant Knockout modes, it's a good idea to also build a 'Respawn Crew' with all unique Freegunner Variants.
- During Freegunner Select, you'll see four bonus Freegunners at the far right side of your crew.
- You can select from these Freegunners, too.
- Each slot is semi-randomly populated according to the following rules:
Backup Directives, per slot - Slots are listed from left to right
Slot 1 - New Fill
- This slot attempts to offer you the newest Freegunner available.
Slot 2 - Role Fill A
- This slot attempts to fill out any missing roles in your crew.
Slot 3 - Role Fill B
- This slot also attempts to fill out missing roles in your crew.
Slot 4 - Variant Fill
- This slot attempts to include a missing variant in your crew.
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Individualised guides per Freegunner.
Anchor | High Complexity
Curious Cleaning Robot
1-8FF (he/him) is a sparked robot, a prototype battlefield cleanup unit originally designed (and later abandoned) by the Guild. Insatiably curious and devoted to cleanliness, the big yellow robot has found a new purpose-and a new family-as a Freegunner on the Northstar crew.
"Clean up on aisle 9... Lennox told me to say that."
Known Facts
- Although he's over 200 years old, 1-OFF spent most of that time alone. Now that he's found friends on the Northstar, he loves them fiercely.
- 1-OFF is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, especially at close range.
- He can vacuum up enemy deployables, in-flight projectiles, and even Blue Buddy cargo packages. He can also reverse his vacuum to pressure-blast enemies.
- Compacted trash can be thrown as Trash Bombs, taking out enemies with every bounce.
- On defence, 1-OFF can strategically place an Air Barrier to protect his crewmates from incoming projectiles.
- Vacuuming up enough debris supplies him with more Trash Bombs and Air Barriers.
- He's practically hard-wired to love cleaning, but he's finding he also loves games, music, dancing, and Freegunning.
CC-1898 Industrial Vacuum (Primary Mode)
- Wide, short-range vacuum funnel
- Fires continuously (until filter needs to be changed)
- Deals no damage, but consumes deployables and in-flight projectiles
- Originally built for cleaning up after battles, but works just fine during them too
- Available in a variety of colours
CC-1898 Industrial Vacuum (Pressure Blaster Mode)
- Narrow, mid-range debris funnel
- Deals damage continuously (until reload)
- Reversing vacuum voids warranty (but warranty expired almost 200 years ago anyway)
Air Barrier
- Activated with L1
- Place a projectile-deflecting cylinder of air.
- SLOOP: Vacuuming trash with your Industrial Vacuum restores charges.
Trash Bomb
- Activated with R1
- Bouncing, exploding projectile of compressed trash.
- SLOOP: Vacuuming trash with your Industrial Vacuum restores charges.
Single Jump
- Tap Cross to jump.
Stomp Melee
- Tap R3 to trigger an area-of-effect stomp attack.
Passive abilities
Scrap Detector
- Within a certain radius, enemy objects that can be vacuumed are highlighted. They are visible through walls and on the minimap.
Tough as Nails
- Incoming body damage is reduced.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Trash Dispenser
- More Trash Bombs with higher damage.
Tips & Tricks
- 1-OFF is most vulnerable when reloading, so it's a great moment to throw down an Air Barrier for extra protection.
- Be wary of flanks! 1-OFF is especially vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks.
- Enemies can't shoot through your vacuum or your Air Barriers, but your allies can!
- Battle is important to 1-OFF, but so is keeping the battlefield tidy. Especially of pesky enemy spores, surveillance traps, and other deployables.
- Try to plan ahead! 1-OFF is not built for speed, so you may need a head start to reach time-sensitive objectives.
Haunt | High Complexity
Cunning Knife Fighter.
Bazz (she/her) was once heir apparent of the Crescent Moon crime syndicate. However, leadership has traditionally been passed down the male line for generations, and Bazz was passed over after her gender transition. Refusing to yield to a less qualified heir, she struck out into the Wilds to forge her own destiny as a Freegunner.
"Who says you shouldn't bring knives to a gun fight?"
Known Facts
- Bazz is as bold on the battlefield as she is with her fashion game-she goes nowhere without fine kicks, stylish eyewear, and a seemingly endless supply of knives.
- From street smarts to tactical skills, there are few who can outmanoeuvre her on the battlefield.
- She knows Crater City like the back of her hand and always has a finger on the pulse of galactic politics.
- A skilled tracker, she can also keep tabs on her opponents: she marks them with her first hit, ensuring she can finish them. Close quarters fighting is familiar territory, and Bazz shows no fear as she lunges in to attack.
- She's skilled at dodging her opponents' volleys, so she can land the most, and final, hits in a fight.
- Carbon Steel Throwing Knives
- Quick, consecutive, single knife throws
- Must occasionally replenish the bundle of knives in her offhand
- Mid range
- High precision
- Stylish wraps for enhanced grip and high fashion
Scourge Star
- Activated with L1
- Thrown item that applies the Vulnerable debuff to an enemy, increasing incoming damage dealt to them until the effect wears off.
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.
Lunging Strike
- Activated with R1
- Lunge towards enemies with a deadly melee strike.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in mid-air tap to jump a second time.
Triple Dodge
- Tap circle to dodge up to 3 times in succession.
- Charges refill over time.
Boosted Slide Jump
- Gain extra height when jumping out of a slide.
Passive Ability
Beacon Blades
- Hitting an enemy with Throwing Knife will Track them, making them detectable through walls, for a short duration.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I Skilful Tracker
- While crouched. Track nearby enemies through walls.
Tips & Tricks
- Bazz is most dangerous up close, so when flanking an enemy, close as much ground as possible before beginning the attack.
- Try to open a fight with Scourge Star to help maximise damage.
- Utilise Triple Dodge to avoid running into a team head on. Flanking from behind rather than charging straight in is a better option for Bazz!
- Boosted Slide Jump is a great way to outmanoeuvre your opponents and strike from above or behind.
- Boosted Slide Jump into Lunging Strike is a powerful way to kick off a fight and disorient your enemy.
Breacher | High Complexity
Pest Control Expert
DaVeers (they/them) is a chemistry whiz with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the galaxy's crawling critters-and how to wipe them out. Whether you've got a Blue Buddy cargo that needs securing or an infestation of bitemites in your cargo hold. DaVeers is the one to call.
"You got owned... by science!"
Known Facts
- DaVeers grew up on the salt fields of Glance, that's where their chemical infatuation started.
- They mix their own Burnite, a flammable compound equally useful in pest extermination and battlefield control.
- They run in ahead to breach enemy lines so the rest of the crew can get the job done.
- Their Grenade Launcher deals explosive area-of-effect damage, and coats the surrounding area in flammable Burnite.
- Their Ignition Darts offer a quick and accurate way to set it all ablaze.
- When even more destruction is called for, they also carry self-igniting Burnite Canisters to light up the battlefield.
- Although they're not much of a cook, they can fry up salt mites and nail the perfect crunchy texture every time.
Mk 5 Burnite Grenade Launcher
- Semi-automatic: drum magazine
- Short to mid range
- Slow-moving, arcing projectiles explode on direct impact with a target or leave behind flammable Burnite pools as they bounce
- Grenades filled by hand, and they're extremely flammable-so if you see a QUIET PLEASE sign on DaVeers's door, don't knock
Ignition Dart
- Activated with
- Fire damage dart that ignites Burnite pools on contact.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Burnite Canister
- Activated with
- Splashes Burnite pools across an area.
- These Burnite pools can be ignited manually, or automatically ignite after a delay.
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
Volatile Chemicals
- Burnite pools can be ignited by fire damage from allies.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Resistant Dodge
- Dodging grants damage resistance for a brief period.
Tips & Tricks
- Follow up a direct hit on an enemy with an Ignition Dart for extra damage.
- Haymar can ignite DaVeers' Burnite pools! Work together to set the battlefield aflame.
- Use the Grenade Launcher's arc and bounces to land shots on unsuspecting enemies who are not in direct line of sight.
- When it's launched or thrown. Burnite ignites as it passes through fire from friendly sources and will create pools that start ignited.
- As fun as it is to set everything on fire, remember to leave yourself a safe place to stand! Turns out fire hurts even your own flames can hurt you.
Tactician | Medium Complexity
Battlefield Medic
Daw (he/him) is a talented medic with a head for strategy and a passion for helping people. Constantly learning about battle medicine and alien biology, he leverages his growing knowledge to keep his crew in fighting shape.
"Break a leg, crew! Not literally. Please."
Known Facts
- Daw got his start tending injured miners overworked by the Guild on his home planet. Seeda.
- He shows up for his crew: he strategically deploys healing pads on the battlefield, making sure his crew always has a safe place to fall back to and heal up.
- Of course, he's also ready to jump into action with his burst rifle when needed-even Teo is impressed with his commitment to firearm maintenance.
- He never turns down an opportunity to spend time with his friends.
- When the crew needs to hold a position, or fall back to a safe location. Daw can place a safety dome to block projectiles.
- He builds his own custom medical gear and is very serious about protective eyewear.
- He's always down for karaoke night.
328 Sanctuary Burst Rifle
- Fires four-round bursts: box magazine
- Mid to long range
- Standard Guild medic armament, stolen
Healing Pad
- Aimed and activated with.
- Drops a healing device that restores nearby allies' health.
- Persists across rounds.
- Can be picked up with
- Sloop: Hold to recharge.
Safety Dome
- Aimed and activated with.
- Creates a durable protective dome that blocks projectiles.
- Can be picked up with.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
Second Wind
- Heals a small amount during dodge.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Intensive Care
- Healing Pads have a larger pool of available health before deactivating.
Tips & Tricks
- Try to avoid placing a Safety Dome out in the open, as opponents can destroy it while it's deploying. Instead, try placing it around a corner from the fight.
- Daw's Second Wind passive ability can be highly effective when combined with a Safety Dome. Dodge while entering or exiting the dome to block damage while you heal.
- Protect your Safety Domes. If the number of enemies inside a Safety Dome is greater than the number of allies, it will become contested and begin to drop.
- Healing Pads are incredibly valuable; not only do they create a fallback point, but a well timed healing pad can keep an ally alive during a fight.
Ranger | High Complexity
Sophisticated Metal Mystic
Duchess (she/her) was the youngest master mystic in the Core Worlds and well respected by the Guild. But the Tempest eruption cut her off from everything she knew and found her in the Wilds. The eight decades since have transformed her into a hardened survivalist who does not suffer fools.
"They can try to stop me. It will be amusing.
Known Facts
- Duchess knows the proper and elegant way to do almost everything.
- Her mystic abilities allow her to control the metal austorium, a rare alloy.
- She creates austorium walls to protect her allies and cut off her enemies' escape.
- She blasts enemies with austorium shrapnel. damaging them and leaving them vulnerable.
- Armed with the antique submachine gun she brought from the Core Worlds, she's a menace at close range.
- Duchess fell in love with a sparked robot during the Robot Wars, but they were separated after fleeing to the Wilds. Her search for him has thus far been in vain.
BA82 Submachine Gun
- Fully automatic: box magazine
- Short range
- Much like Duchess: old, sturdy, and very, very efficient
Construct Wall
- Aimed & activated with L!.
- Creates a metal wall that blocks sight and enemy movement.
- Persists across rounds.
- Can be retrieved with
- Sloop: Retrieve a wall to restore a charge. Receive a charge if you're out of charges and your last wall on the battlefield is destroyed.
Ruinous Blast
- Activated with R1.
- Projects an area that implodes after a delay. Enemies in the blast take damage and become Vulnerable (incoming damage is increased).
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Double Jump
- Tap circle to jump. While in midair, tap circle to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
Austorium Resistance
- No self-damage from Ruinous Blast.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I Dodge Reload
- Reloads weapon during dodge.
Tips & Tricks
- Success with Ruinous Blast lies in predicting enemy movement. Try to time and place the blast for where they will be. rather than where they are.
- When placed in a hallway or doorway. Duchess's walls stretch to ensure they block off the whole thing.
- Duchess's walls won't block allies' movement, so you can use them to give allies a moment to safely approach the enemy.
- Duchess's walls are incredibly versatile. Here are a few ways to use them to help control the flow of combat:
- Slow an enemy advance by blocking key access points.
- Block an enemy retreat. keeping them locked in.
- Use walls as cover during combat or to hide a retreat.
- Or just use them as backstops to help land slower projectiles like DaVeers's grenades. Roka's missiles, or Duchess's own Ruinous Blast.
Anchor | High Complexity
Big-Hearted Protector
Emari (she/her) has a big gun, a big shield, and a big heart. She's descended from a line of Tempest treasure hunters called Scrappers, hailing from the planet Scrounge-an upbringing that left her with a keen appreciation for community and preparedness. Her priority is the same whether she's out on the battlefield or back on the ship: protect her crew's safety, whatever it takes.
"Check that gear crew. It'll save your butts."
Known Facts
- Emari's priority on the battlefield is the same as it is off-her crew's safety.
- Her armour generator gives her crewmates a protective boost, while her projectile shield lets her take the heat in a firefight.
- She'll run headlong into danger for the safety of her crew, clearing the way with her powerful scrap cannon.
- Her generator and shield are adapted from scavenged starship navigational hazard avoidance tech. They are not generally considered portable.
- She always keeps a layer of Scrounge sand in her boots to keep her grounded. Says it helps with her stomp. too.
- Back on the Northstar, she makes sure her crew stays fed-she's the best cook on the ship.
Rotary Scrap Cannon
- ully automatic: high-capacity drum magazine
- Mid range
- Chaingun with spin-up rate of fire
- Scratch-built with scavenged parts
Armour Generator
- Activated with L1.
- Activate a field that generates Armour for allies standing inside. Stacks over time.
- Sloop: Eliminations restore a charge.
Projectile Shield
- Activated with R1.
- Destructible personal shield that blocks incoming projectiles.
- Holding while Projectile Shield is active destroys it and grants Shield buff.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Single Jump
- Tap circle to jump.
Stomp Melee
- Tap R3 to trigger an area-of-effect stomp attack.
Passive Ability
Tough as Nails
- Incoming body damage is reduced.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Synergy Shield
- Destroying Projectile Shield while active grants Armour.
Tips & Tricks
- You can provide your allies with Armour using Armour Generator even from behind cover, creating a fallback point they can retreat to.
- Be mindful of allies behind you when using your Projectile Shield. as it will block their fire.
- When enemies are closing in, break your Projectile Shield to gain a Shield buff and give yourself an edge in the fight.
- The start of a round is a great time to activate your Armour Generator, while your allies are still clustered in the drop zone. The
- Armour you grant will last long enough to protect them in the first encounter with the opposing team.
- Watch the clock! Emari is slower than most characters, so you may need to head toward time-sensitive objectives early.
Warden | High Complexity
Deadpan Fire Mystic
Haymar (she/her) has been hunted by the Guild for years as an unlicensed mystic. A life on the run has made her slow to trust and quick to react. She hasn't made many friends. When it comes to preventing people from getting close, even her raging fire powers pale in comparison to her biting wit.
"Fair warning, lots of pent-up rage about to boil over."
Known Facts
- On and off the battlefield. Haymar likes to remain in control. She's working through some trust issues.
- Her ability to hover lets her get into strategically advantageous positions and rain fire from the sky.
- A desire for revenge fuels her anger. Junk food fuels the rest.
- In a pinch, she can blind enemies and make her escape-or use her crossbow to finish what she started.
- Her Wall of Fire is both offensive and defensive, allowing her to take out opponents or cut off their approach.
- As much as she dislikes people, she loves shoes - and she really, really, really loves shoes.
Flameshot Bow
- Single-shot magnetic bow
- Mid range
- Slow-moving, arcing projectiles that explode on impact
- Designed by Hamish Orthan, an underground manufacturer of mystic-attuned weapons
Blinding Flash
- Activated with L1.
- Projectile that blinds enemies near its explosion. Can be detonated manually with secondary activation.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Wall of Fire
- Activated with R1.
- Projectile that creates a wall of fire in the direction it was thrown.
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair tap cross to Hover.
- The height and speed of Hover will vary depending on when you activate it.
Air Dodge
- When in midair, use circle to air dodge.
Passive Ability
Flameshot Charge
- Activate by holding L2.
- Aiming down sights for a short duration will overcharge the primed projectile.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Hellfire
- Extra Wall of Fire charges and reduced cooldown for Blinding Flash.
Tips & Tricks
- Try to use cover while charging a shot, then peek out to fire it at a group of opponents.
- Even partially charged shots can still pack a punch. The damage and explosion radius start to increase as soon as you start charging.
- Wall of Fire will form in the direction the projectile was thrown, so play your angles strategically. You can even bounce the projectile off of walls.
- You can get the most height out of the Hover ability if you're standing still when you activate it.
Haunt | High Complexity
Tempest-Touched Phenom
It-Z (she/her), a member of the Zin species, fled her homeworld of Olar when it was threatened by the galactic Tempest. Her family's evacuation ship was impacted by a tendril of Tempest energy, leaving It-Z as the only survivor and granting her a unique suite of Tempest powers. Her adoptive mothers taught her to be a starship mechanic, and she's as valuable to the Northstar crew in the engine room as she is on the battlefield.
"Zip zap! Ya done-zo."
Known Facts
- It-Z spent years learning to control her Tempest powers. Managing that kind of chaotic energy isn't easy!
- She creates decoys of herself when she dodges. confusing her enemies.
- She has the unique ability to slip through space, moving around the battlefield unpredictably and leaving decoys behind to keep up the charade.
- She can also scramble enemies' weapons while charging up her own, and she's mobile enough to take advantage of the ensuing chaos.
- She's a fashion fan and trades style tips with Bazz and Kyps.
- She can usually be found in the Northstar's engine room, blasting music and making all the little repairs that keep the ship running.
- EL/128 Electrostatic SMG
- Fully automatic submachine gun powered by a small battery
- Short to mid range
- Can be supercharged with Scramble Rebound for increased damage
Cosmic Slip
- Activated and reactivated with L1.
- Tosses a sphere of energy. On secondary activation. It-Z will move instantly to the orb's location.
- Leaves behind a temporary It-Z decoy.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Scramble Rebound
- Activated with R1.
- Throws chaos energy that will disrupt the enemy's weapon. On contact, the energy attempts to return to It-Z.
- Successfully collecting the returning energy instantly reloads and supercharges It-Z's weapon.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
Mirror Image
- Dodging or using Cosmic Slip leaves behind a decoy.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Evasive Manoeuvre
- Mobility increases when at low health.
Tips & Tricks
- Send out your energy orb for Cosmic Slip shortly before you might need it to make sure It-Z always has an escape plan.
- Preemptively using Cosmic Slip has the added benefit of splitting the enemy's attention since they don't know when or even if you'll use it.
- If you dodge in a direction that puts a decoy between It-Z and the enemy, the decoy will block some incoming shots.
- Use your Scramble Rebound to open an engagement! You'll deal extra damage with your supercharged weapon while your opponent struggles to hit you.
Ranger | Low Complexity
Philosophical Pulse Mystic
Jabali (he/him) is attuned to the pulse of life in all its forms. An inquisitive scholar with a deep love of music, he is interested in the underlying connections of the universe and the motivations of the beings who inhabit it. He's been through a lot of hardship. sometimes because of his mystic abilities, which makes him all the more determined to make the galaxy a better place for everyone else.
"Sometimes, it all just falls into place."
Known Facts
- Jabali loves music of all genres and often hums while deep in thought.
- He can send out a life pulse to heal his crewmates one moment, then deploy a hunter orb to harm an opponent the next.
- Beyond his mystic abilities, he can back up his crewmates in a firefight using his seeker rifle.
- The duality of his role on the battlefield, healing and harming in equal measure, is an interesting philosophical quandary to him. He can discuss these kinds of subjects for hours, once the fighting is done.
- He's a haberdashery aficionado.
Pulse-Guided Seeker Rifle
- Fully automatic rifle with homing projectiles: drum magazine
- Mid range
- Hand-modified with advanced seeker technology that targets life pulses when fired
Life Pulse Orb
- Activated with L1.
- Thrown orb that creates a healing aura around an ally when absorbed.
- Sloop: Eliminations restore a charge. Hitting an enemy target with Hunter Orb also restores a charge.
Hunter Orb
- Activated with R2.
- Offensive orb that seeks out and damages enemies.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Triple Jump
- Tap to jump. While in midair, tap to jump up to two more times.
Passive Ability
Life Cycle
- Eliminations or Hunter Orb hits recharge Life Pulse.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I Pulse Radius
- The healing aura from Life Pulse has an increased radius.
Tips & Tricks
- Using Life Pulse on grouped-up allies lets all of them take advantage of the healing aura simultaneously-including Jabali!
- Keep an eye and ear out for allies who need help. Watch their health bars and listen for callouts to know who on your team needs backup.
- Triple jump allows you to change direction midair, making it more difficult for enemies to hit you.
- Targeting enemy deployables with your Hunter Orbs is a great way to build up Life Pulse charges in a pinch.
Tactician | Low Complexity
Sly Double Agent
Kyps (she/her) is a spy robot built during the Robot Wars for stealth missions and intelligence acquisition. After she sparked, she became a double agent, deciding to use her espionage skills to take the Guild down from the inside. Her refusal to cut ties with her Guild contacts causes tension on the ship, but her intel has helped the crew out on more than one occasion.
"Watch for my intel. Knowledge is deadly."
Known Facts
- She uses her stealth ability to sneak around the battlefield, placing surveillance traps so she and her crew can track the enemy.
- She deploys disruption grenades to break through enemy defences and gain the upper hand.
- Her sleek, silent pistol is all she needs to finish off a well-timed flank.
- She refuses to share the name of her tailor.
Silenced Burst Pistol
- Fires three-round bursts: box magazine
- Short range
- Silenced
- Limited-issue stealth model
Surveillance Trap
- Activated with L1.
- Trap that reveals enemies when triggered.
- Persists across rounds.
- Can be harvested for ability charges after activation.
- Sloop: Hold to recharge.
Disruption Grenade
- Activated with R1.
- Disrupts enemy abilities and damages shields.
- Throwing this will reset your dodge cooldown.
- Sloop: Use to collect a used Surveillance Trap and gain back all charges.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Abilities
Active Stealth
- Dodging activates Stealth for a limited duration, making Kyps invisible and immune to reveal and track.
- When defeated, your assailant will be revealed to your team.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I Marked Target
- Damaging an enemy from stealth reveals them to your team and resets your dodge. This trait has a cooldown period.
Tips & Tricks
- Try placing Surveillance Traps at key choke points or near resources like healing pads to give allies a heads up on enemy strategy.
- You can use Kyps to set up a network of Surveillance Traps, then swap to a character like Vale (when you respawn or when a new round starts) and pick off revealed opponents one by one.
- If a Disruption Grenade directly impacts a character or shield, it will detonate immediately.
- Don't forget to collect used Surveillance Traps! This will restore Disruption Grenade charges.
- Remember, throwing a Disruption Grenade resets Kyps's dodge cooldown. paving the way for a quick escape from a tricky situation.
Tactician | Low Complexity
Enigmatic Fungal Creature
Lark (pronouns undecided) is a unique fungal organism who developed consciousness in a galactic debris swirl known as The Patch. Unsettling to the unfamiliar, Lark has an earnest desire to understand the customs and behaviours of others, often by seeking to build deeper connections. However, not everyone is as receptive when this is expressed through the often helpful (but kind of gross) spreading of spores.
"I'll be right behind you. And all around you."
Known Facts
- Lark has a personal and prolific understanding of plants, spores, and cheeses.
- Instinctively strategic, Lark sees the battlefield as an interconnected system-just like any other fungal network.
- The spores Lark generates grant the crew a burst of energy in the form of increased speed, creating travel lanes to critical locations.
- Lark's unnerving but useful transplant pods allow personal travel across the battlefield at near instant speeds.
- When facing enemies, Lark fires razorpods from a specialised launcher, filled with dynamic, tracking razorpod seeds.
- The crew has inhaled billions of Lark spores.
- Seriously, those spores get everywhere.
Razorpod Launcher
- Semi-automatic
- Short range
- Specially modified to deploy razorpods
- Once fired, razorpods coast to a stop and linger in place
- Upon target recognition, razorpods split into many tracking razorpod seeds
- Voted 'grossest weapon' on the ship three months running
Spore Seed
- Activated with L1.
- Creates a growing spore on the ground.
- Allies standing in the spore's area are granted haste and damage resistance.
- Enemies that are in the spore's area are slowed and vulnerable.
- Persists across rounds.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Transplant Pod
- Activated with R1.
- Drops a pod that Lark can return to on second activation.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown. Cooldown starts after transplanting on second activation.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
Fungal Resistance
- Damage resistance stacks with active spores on the map.
Variant combat traits
Variant I - Natural Dexterity
- Faster reload while in a spore area.
Tips & Tricks
- Lark's Razorpod Launcher is most effective in small areas. Try using it to defend capture points, tight hallways, and small rooms.
- Create 'highways of Spore Seeds to allow you and your allies to travel more quickly across the map, even in future rounds.
- Make sure to leave a Transplant Pod in a safe location before entering combat so you always have a way out of a tough spot.
- Try placing Spore Seeds as often as possible to gain the full benefit of Lark's Fungal Resistance passive ability.
Warden | Medium Complexity
Legendary Outlaw
Lennox (he/him) is wanted across multiple star systems for some truly questionable decisions he's made over the 145 years he's been alive. Willing to bend the rules for the sake of adventure, Lennox always has his eye on the horizon... and the next big score.
"Fastest guns in the Wilds."
Known Facts
- Lennox is a sharpshooting gunslinger with fast reflexes that he's honed over many decades of practice.
- He relies on luck to stay out of trouble, but when it inevitably finds him anyway, he attempts to charm his way out.
- He's never without his two trusty revolvers, ready to swap in an instant, so he always has a loaded gun.
- If the situation calls for it, he also has an exploding knife-because that's just good clean fun. He tends to 'borrow' things without asking... often for long periods of time.
- His confidence in his mastery of his Claxton regenerative abilities allows him to risk it all; if things go wrong, he can heal himself up.
- He loves thumb rings almost as much as he loves hot sauce.
HL-4 'Bell Ringer' Heavy Handgun Double-action revolver (XL)
- Long range
- High precision
- Stolen Guild prototype
Chesterly Model 3 Revolver
- Single-action revolver
- Short range
- Fast firing
- 'Chester' for short
Exploding Knife
- Activated with L1.
- Throwing knife that explodes on impact.
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.
Claxton Healing
- Activated with R1.
- Regenerates health over a brief duration.
- Sloop: Eliminations restore a charge.
Double Jump
- Tap to cross jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Ability
- Emptying a weapon and quickly swapping to a new weapon will reload the stowed weapon.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Dodge Reload
- Reloads equipped weapon during dodge.
Tips & Tricks
- Lennox's primary weapon ('Bell Ringer') is solid in long-range encounters while his secondary ('Chester') is fierce in short-range combat.
- Take full advantage of Lennox's Gunslinger ability to minimise or eliminate reloading time.
- If you open a fight with Exploding Knife and follow up with your revolvers, your opponent will start the fight at a disadvantage.
- Claxton Healing will be interrupted by damage, so find a safe place to heal up.
Haunt | Medium Complexity
Explosive Revolutionary
Roka (she/her) fights for what's right, no matter what. Her father raised her in the Duster labour movement, but her own journey took her further, to the revolutionary raiders known as the Hooded Bandits. Though she doesn't fly with them anymore, she continues to sow chaos wherever she sees Guild order. Daring and brave, she rights the Wilds' wrongs, brings the chaos, and always goes big.
"Give it everything you've got. Otherwise, why bother?"
Known Facts
- Roka brings the BOOM wherever she goes-she's got passion plus a missile launcher, both always at the ready.
- She's a dynamo on the battlefield, triple-jumping and hovering in mid-air to make big shots from above. When she's on a job, she tends to run solo, taking care of business with her overwhelming firepower.
- She's a tenacious debater and refuses to back down from what she believes is right.
- As a former member of the Hooded Bandits, she honed her skills ambushing Guild ships, and has a high bounty on her head as a result.
- She loves to dance and belt out her favourite songs at the top of her lungs - she has woken up the crew in the middle of the night more than once.
SAL-98 Light Missile Launcher
- Semi-automatic: box magazine (of missiles)
- Mid range
- Servo-assisted target tracking
Hover Thrusters
- Activated from air with L1.
- Activate while in midair to hover in place.
- Cancel with secondary activation.
- Sloop: Recharges when not in use. Brief cooldown between activations.
Blast Dive
- Activated with R1.
- Blast to the ground and deal damage in an area on impact.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Triple Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump up to two more times.
Air Dodge
- While in midair, use to air dodge.
Passive Abilities
Explosive Jump
- Double and triple jump cause damaging explosions from your boots.
Missile Lock
- Aiming down sights will target-lock an enemy.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Hover Targeting
- Target lock is faster while Hover Thrusters are active.
Tips & Tricks
- Try using short bursts of Hover Thrusters to make Roka's midair movement more unpredictable.
- Blast Dive is a great way to fend off opponents that get too close without doing any damage to yourself.
- Your Explosive Jump lets you deal damage to an opponent without expending any resources-just keep jumping and let them feel the heat.
- Missile Lock makes Roka more accurate, but also gives away her position! Be ready to lose the element of surprise once Missile Lock is initiated.
Star Child
Breacher | Medium Complexity
Honourable Kallosian Warrior
Star Child (he/him) is a warrior-poet who values honour, courage, and loyalty above all else. Hailing from the bloodtree forests of Kallos, he draws on the traditions of his ancestors to fuel his strength and shape his purpose as a Freegunner.
"Strength comes from within. And from muscles."
Known Facts
- Star Child is fearless in battle. Trained as a warrior, he barrels straight into the fray, ready to take on whatever he may run into.
- He shines in close quarters combat, as his skullbreaker shotgun is designed to deliver powerful blows both with ammunition and as a mighty melee weapon.
- His cries of glory, guttural snarls, and warrior growls ring out across the battlefield-sometimes he needs more than just words to fully express his power.
- Naturally tough, he protects himself with his diamond skin. When activated, he can withstand a great deal of punishment.
- Star Child's diamond skin also activates when rage rushing straight at his opponents, allowing him to break through a defensive line or initiate combat.
- Victory or loss, he commemorates each fight with a hand-penned poem.
- He chose his name after leaving Kallos, it reflects his journey through the galaxy.
Skullbreaker Shotgun
- Semi-automatic: shells must be reloaded individually
- Very short range
- Devastates a wide, front-facing arc
- Features a hand-filed foregrip, optimised for breaking skulls (hence the name)
Rage Rush
- Activated with L1.
- Charge forward with the additional protection of Diamond Skin.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Power Slam
- Activated with R1.
- Slam the ground for an area damage melee attack.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Abilities
Diamond Skin
- Grants Armour while Rage Rush or Power Slam is active.
- Kills refresh all ability energy.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Diamond Dodge
- Gain a short burst of Diamond Skin while dodging.
Tips & Tricks
- Deploy a well-timed Power Slam by using the extra armour from a Rage Rush Diamond Skin to get in close first-rush then slam!
- Use Star Child's Berserker passive to chain his abilities for a devastating elimination run.
- Jumping while in Rage Rush lets Star Child make a massive leap forward.
- Make a melee attack while in Rage Rush to perform a powerful backhand attack.
Ranger | Medium Complexity
Guild Guard Renegade
Teo (he/him) defected from the Guild Guard after he lost his squad during an ill-fated mission. From that day on, he swore to never blindly follow orders again. While he can come across as rigid, it's because the only thing he values more than being prepared is ensuring his crew comes home safely.
"Your crew is your lifeline. Look out for each other."
Known Facts
- Teo is an elite soldier, prepared for any situation with his meticulously maintained rifle and sidearm.
- Unsurprisingly, his living quarters are just as polished as his weapons.
- Thanks to years of training with standard-issue Guild explosives, he's adept with both cluster grenades and smoke grenades.
- Quick on his feet. Teo outpaces many of his fellow Freegunners and is adept at dodging incoming attacks.
- Teo is the self-appointed Northstar weapons inspector and training instructor-he works hard to make sure his crew is well prepared.
- Don't bring up his Guild eye modification-it wasn't his choice.
ZEG-12 Guild Guard Rifle
- Fully automatic
- Mid range
- Equipped with CyView optic technology
CL Roc 99 Guild Guard Sidearm
- Semi-automatic
- Short range
- Equipped with CyView optic technology
Smoke Grenade
- Activated with L1.
- Detonates in a cloud of smoke that blocks sight.
Cluster Grenade
- Activated with R1.
- Throw a cluster grenade producing a primary explosion and secondary smaller explosions.
Special Sloop
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge for the grenade that has the least charges held. Charge will prioritise Cluster Grenade.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Double Dodge
- Dodging again at the end of the first dodge results in a second dodge.
Passive Ability
Tactical Weapon Sights
- Can see enemies through smoke while aiming down sights.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Rapid Reposition
- Increased mobility for brief duration after dodge.
Tips & Tricks
- Teo's Tactical Weapon Sights passive allows him to aim through enemy smoke as well as his own.
- You can ping enemies through smoke to help your allies find them.
- If a fight isn't going well, Smoke Grenade and Double Dodge can help you disengage.
- Don't forget you can use Teo's sidearm as backup if your rifle runs out of ammo mid-fight.
Warden | High Complexity
Monarch Trained Sniper
Vale (she/her) is a former member of the Monarchs, a group of heroic starfarers who selflessly protected the Wilds from threats like the vicious Marauders. While Vale was on the planet Tyde recuperating from a grievous battlefield injury, the Monarchs vanished. Vale, seemingly the last Monarch, hasn't given up hope of their survival, and will do everything in her power to find them.
"Take your best shot, I'll take mine."
Known Facts
- One with the bullet, Vale's accuracy is the stuff of legends-she always finds her mark.
- She has an ongoing competition with Teo for highest accuracy on a job. Their training module competitions often stretch on for weeks as they trade for first place.
- Always thinking one step ahead. Vale strategically plants trip mines to route enemies into her sights.
- Vale's concentration is near unbreakable (except by Lennox whistling on the job).
- She's outfitted with enhanced prosthetics after losing her legs in battle.
- While she misses her toes, Vale loves the feeling of leaping with her augmented biomech legs. The chance to pick off enemies from afar isn't bad, either.
- But seriously, who whistles on the job?!
Monarch 'Long 52' Sniper Rifle
- Bolt-action; must be reloaded after every shot
- Very Long range
- Precision scope
- Monarch-modified to Vale's specifications
Monarch Sidearm
- Semi-automatic: box magazine
- Short range
- For the well-prepared sniper who wants to be her own backup
- Activated with L1.
- Bionically enhanced vertical leap.
- Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.
Trip Mine
- Activated with R1.
- Thrown mine that attaches to surfaces and detonates when triggered by an enemy.
- Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.
Double Jump
- Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.
Passive Abilities
Critical Eye
- Track low health enemies through walls.
Peak Performance
- Faster rifle handling on successful critical hit.
- Stacks up to 3 times.
Variant Combat Traits
Variant I - Enduring Aim
- Aiming down the sights with the Sniper Rifle grants Damage Resistance.
Tips & Tricks
- Find high ground to maximise Vale's Leap potential. Jump while leaping to gain additional height and stay airborne longer.
- Emari's Projectile Shield makes for great moving cover that Vale can leap above to great advantage.
- If flanked, try using Leap to both get out of danger quickly and take shots at your opponent.
- Trip Mines are ideal for guarding your flank or blocking the enemies' advance.
- Place Trip Mines on healing pads or Blue Buddy cargo packages to create a trap for the enemy.
- Your Trip Mines can be destroyed by opponents firing at them - try placing them above doorways for hard-to-hit protection against the unsuspecting.