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UI Role Anchor.pngAnchor | High Complexity

Big-Hearted Protector

  • Emari (she/her) has a big gun, a big shield, and a big heart. She's descended from a line of Tempest treasure hunters called Scrappers, hailing from the planet Scrounge-an upbringing that left her with a keen appreciation for community and preparedness. Her priority is the same whether she's out on the battlefield or back on the ship: protect her crew's safety, whatever it takes.
  • Equipped with a big gun, a big shield, and a big heart, Emari’s focus is on protecting her crew’s safety, whatever it takes. Emari’s Rotary Scrap Cannon lays down covering fire, while her Armor Generator creates a field that provides additional armor for allies. She can also deploy a Projectile Shield that blocks incoming fire.

"Check that gear crew. It'll save your butts."

Abilities Trailer


UI Weapon Scrapper ChainGun.pngRotary Scrap Cannon

  • ully automatic: high-capacity drum magazine
  • Mid range
  • Chaingun with spin-up rate of fire
  • Scratch-built with scavenged parts


UI Ability Scrapper ShieldGenerator.pngArmour Generator

  • Activated with L1.
  • Activate a field that generates Armour for allies standing inside. Stacks over time.
  • Sloop: Eliminations restore a charge.

UI Ability Scrapper HeldBarrier.pngProjectile Shield

  • Activated with R1.
  • Destructible personal shield that blocks incoming projectiles.
  • Holding while Projectile Shield is active destroys it and grants Shield buff.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.


  • Single Jump

Stomp Melee

  • Tap R3 to trigger an area-of-effect stomp attack.

Passive Ability

Tough as Nails

  • Incoming body damage is reduced.


Variant I - Synergy Shield

  • Destroying Projectile Shield while active grants Armour.

Variant II - Cannon Overdrive (Unreleased)

  • Destroying Projectile Shield while active will maximize weapon spin-up rate of fire.
  • Tip: Sometimes you have to break something to make it better. Use Emari Variant II's ability to gain both increased rate of fire and armor when you break your own Projectile Shield. This combo allows you to make the most of an offensive charge and do an extreme amount of damage in a short time—while also managing to stay alive and keep your allies protected.


GG S0 Emari Tooltip C.png

Devoted Protector

// HUMAN // At the upper bounds of height and mass for the species

// SCROUNGE // Belonged to a generational Scrapper clan, inherited her armour

// WARM CONFIDANT // From a long line of Scrappers who have chased valuable debris falls on Scrounge for generations. She was the heart of a tight-knit clan until a disagreement about the dangers of the Tempest led to her decision to leave. Most of her clan stayed. Their survival is improbable. She carries on Scrapper traditions of late-night stories, wisdom-steeped adages, and full-armed, double-pump hugs.

Generational Armour

GG S0 Emari Entry 01 C.png

Scrapper clans on Scrounge have a long history of passing down generational armour. Since the early days when Scrappers came up as space-debris runners collecting valuables that rained down through Scrounge’s thin atmosphere, the clans have put tremendous value on their armour. It’s made by hand from scraps that were collected and deemed worthy of being worn. Since Emari first laid eyes on her clan’s generational armour, she longed to wear a suit.

She had to wait until she was 7 for them to allow her to go on runs and start earning the honour of the armour. Emari was so dedicated to scrapping that her clan could depend on her to get into all the small crevices and cracks an adult couldn’t manage to find some of the most valuable bits – a lot of the electronics of the starships that rained down on Scrounge were tucked away in tiny corners or under control panels.

Emari’s skill helped her clan consistently come out on top. While every clan honoured Scrapper culture, they were in fierce competition for the most valuable debris strewn out of the Tempest. Scrounge sat at the edge of the Tempest near an energy zone that spat out half-destroyed and mutilated detritus from starships, fuel stations, and entire worlds that it had eaten. There were people who would pay a lot for the best of the parts that crashed down. And the Guild paid for almost all scrap, as they melted it down to use in production.

The trick for any clan was getting their hands on the most valuable scrap first. Scrapper culture said that the first clan to plant their flag had full claim on the scrap. They had their pick of it until they were done scrapping, then the other clans could vulture anything that was left. Vultures made a lot less coin. So for Scrappers it was all about the race to the scrap.

As she grew up and no longer fit into the small electrical compartments, Emari set her sights on being her Clan’s ahead-runner. The whole clan depended on the ahead-runner to be the first to plant the clan’s flag. That meant sprinting at the fresh-fallen scrap in the thickest armour – runners were at risk of getting pummeled by related debris falls. A sprint in heavy armour meant that the runner had to be in peak form. Even then the speed wasn’t as important as the endurance. The armour runners wore was too heavy for most people to carry any significant distance.

Emari spent her teenage years training to wear her clan’s runner armour; when she came of age, her clan gave her that honour. She did the generations of runners in her clan proud – and then things on Scrounge started to shift.

Irrelevant Adages

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Just as armor was passed down generation to generation on Scrounge, so too were adages – sayings that the clan had invented over the years to help keep them alive on a world that seemed bent on killing them. Things like: "Scrappers can't be choosers" and "If the sky's pink, don't think, run." The latter refers to the warning signs of a Tempest energy spike. Since the same Tempest blasts that shot valuable scrap to Scrounge could also produce destructive coils of whipping energy, the Scrapper clans had to keep an eye on the sky. Decades of post-Tempest scrapping had taught them when to compete for the scrap and when to take cover.

But everything they learned was becoming irrelevant. As the Tempest was expanding and the leading edge was getting closer and closer to Scrounge, the signs the clans watched for no longer meant the same things they used to. Tempest energy surges came out of nowhere, even when the skies never showed the slightest hint of pink. Debris rained down far outside of the usual drop zones, hitting clan encampments at all hours of the day and night. And Tempest-induced storms swirled in the skies more often than not.

Emari watched as clans she had known her whole life were wiped out. She perceived the danger from the Tempest acutely. And she wanted her clan to leave Scrounge before it was too late. They could get out on one of the cargo transports that shipped the scrap off world. She took her plan to the elders and was immediately shot down. They dismissed her concerns, telling her Tempest fluctuations were common and this would pass as it always did. But it didn't. Emari knew it wouldn't.

She tried to convince her family, but they held the line, standing behind the adages that had become all but useless. Emari was at her wits end. When her nephew Riggan was nearly killed by an energy lash while he was scrapping in an engine compartment, she knew she had to act. She left for a cargo ship and took little Riggan with her. She begged the rest of her clan to come, but they dug in their heels.

It was the hardest thing she'd ever done, but flying away on that starship and seeing the Tempest snuggling up to Scrounge from space confirmed for her that she had done the right thing. She vowed to find a way to get the rest of her clan to evacuate before it was too late.

Unmoored Protector

GG S0 Emari Entry 03 C.png

After a bit of time in the Wilds, Emari had the lay of the land. Her plan for luring her clan away from the dangers of Scrounge was to convince them to become a Freegunner crew. It was a perfect fit for a clan of Scrappers; her clan, tight knit as they were, would be able to stand toe-to-toe with any Freegunner crew out there. And they would be (relatively) safe out in the Wilds – at least compared to Scrounge.

She learned enough to know that the first step to Freegunning was to get a starship. She and Riggan worked some odd jobs around the Wilds to make enough coin to buy a small starship. Their first flight was back to Scrounge. As they approached the world they watched in horror as an energy tendril from the Tempest lashed out and carved a giant gash straight through the landscape below.

Neither spoke as they orbited Scrounge looking for a safe enough place to land. They kept their eyes on the sky as they skimmed low inside the atmosphere toward their clan's encampment. It was gone. Not wiped out by the tendril, just gone. Had they moved? Had they finally left? Emari and Riggan crisscrossed the surrounding territory, looking for signs of life. They saw nothing. And as Tempest activity surged again, they had to push off world.

Riggan was furious, putting the blame on Emari for losing their clan. He walked off the starship at the first refueling station, warning Emari not to follow. She was left with an empty starship. No crew. No clan. No one. She didn't want another crew. She didn't want to fly this ship with anyone but the people she had scrapped with her whole life. She decided to sell the little starship on the Pirate Net.

A bid came in moments after she put the ship up for sale. It was more than she was hoping for, enough to survive alone on a remote world for a while. But the bid came with an ask to meet the buyer off spacelane in the middle of the Wilds and a promise they wouldn't kill her. What did she have to lose?

The buyer was the Captain of the Northstar – she wanted a part from Emari's little ship to fix the Northstar, and she asked if Emari would join her new crew for their next job; they were hoping to become Freegunners. With nothing better to do, Emari joined the small, scrappy crew for a job on Akkar. And she never left. They are not a replacement for her clan, but they are quickly becoming her found family, and she would do anything to protect them.

Voice Lines

Emari was voiced by Christine Rose Schermerhorn

Please note the lines heard in this video are pulled from the game files and may not quite match what was heard in game post mix





Weapon Skins

Victory Poses

Defeat Poses

Drop In

Additional Info & Tips

Known Facts

  • Emari's priority on the battlefield is the same as it is off-her crew's safety.
  • Her armour generator gives her crewmates a protective boost, while her projectile shield lets her take the heat in a firefight.
  • She'll run headlong into danger for the safety of her crew, clearing the way with her powerful scrap cannon.
  • Her generator and shield are adapted from scavenged starship navigational hazard avoidance tech. They are not generally considered portable.
  • She always keeps a layer of Scrounge sand in her boots to keep her grounded. Says it helps with her stomp. too.
  • Back on the Northstar, she makes sure her crew stays fed-she's the best cook on the ship.

Tips & Tricks

  • You can provide your allies with Armour using Armour Generator even from behind cover, creating a fallback point they can retreat to.
  • Be mindful of allies behind you when using your Projectile Shield. as it will block their fire.
  • When enemies are closing in, break your Projectile Shield to gain a Shield buff and give yourself an edge in the fight.
  • The start of a round is a great time to activate your Armour Generator, while your allies are still clustered in the drop zone. The
  • Armour you grant will last long enough to protect them in the first encounter with the opposing team.
  • Watch the clock! Emari is slower than most characters, so you may need to head toward time-sensitive objectives early.