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UI Role Breacher.pngBreacher | High Complexity

Pest Control Expert

  • DaVeers (they/them) is a chemistry whiz with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the galaxy's crawling critters-and how to wipe them out. Whether you've got a Blue Buddy cargo that needs securing or an infestation of bitemites in your cargo hold. DaVeers is the one to call.
  • A chemistry whiz, DaVeers can launch barrages of Burnite Canisters that fill the ground with pools of combustible chemicals and can be ignited to deal damage and create hazards for opponents.

"You got owned... by science!"

Abilities Trailer


UI Weapon CombatChemist GrenadeLauncher.pngMk 5 Burnite Grenade Launcher

  • Semi-automatic: drum magazine
  • Short to mid range
  • Slow-moving, arcing projectiles explode on direct impact with a target or leave behind flammable Burnite pools as they bounce
  • Grenades filled by hand, and they're extremely flammable-so if you see a QUIET PLEASE sign on DaVeers's door, don't knock


UI Ability CombatChemist FlameDart.pngIgnition Dart

  • Activated with
  • Fire damage dart that ignites Burnite pools on contact.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.

UI Ability CombatChemist GiantSlime.pngBurnite Canister

  • Activated with
  • Splashes Burnite pools across an area.
  • These Burnite pools can be ignited manually, or automatically ignite after a delay.
  • Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.


Double Jump

  • Tap cross to jump. While in midair, tap cross to jump a second time.

Passive Ability

Volatile Chemicals

  • Burnite pools can be ignited by fire damage from allies.


Variant I - Resistant Dodge

  • Dodging grants damage resistance for a brief period.

Variant II (Unreleased)

Trait: Extended Mag

  • Description: Extra ammo for Burnite Grenade Launcher
  • Tip: What's better than a few Burnite Grenades? A lot more Burnite Grenades. With DaVeers Variant II's extra ammo, you can set the whole battlefield aflame. Strategically splash burnite pools around an area you want to keep your enemies out of. Follow up by lighting the pools on fire with your Ignition Darts, or plan ahead and launch them through fire sources from allies so they're already flaming when they hit the ground."


GG S0 Daveers Tooltip C.png

Talented Experimenter

// HUMAN // Has a deep understanding of insects and other critters

// GLANCE // Raised in a skimmer settlement surrounded by creepy-crawlers

// FOCUSED CHEMIST // An unforgiving world and an uncaring Salt Lord meant their survival had to be pried out of the pincers, stingers, maws, and claws that were competing for it. They are well known for their experimental extermination skills, but they don’t take life unless they’re protecting other life. If they stop to think about the power of their toxins, it’s overwhelming, so they stay focused on the task at hand.

GG S0 Daveers Entry 01 C.png

Chemical Fascination

DaVeers was born and raised in a salt-processing factory town on Glance. They hated the two scorching suns. The heat was so intense it was nearly impossible to stay upright, so they took refuge in the factories where their parents worked.

They were fascinated by the chemical reactions that were part of the salt fuel production process, and they begged their parents to teach them how to work with chemicals. The moments they were allowed to add the reactant to a batch of fuel were the moments they lived for. The rest was misery.

Without fresh water, and without enough food, the people in town were far too hungry and far too sick for anything other than wretchedness. They were barely holding on–and then a swarm of toxic sun beetles descended on town.

In addition to leaving their hair-then, sharp stingers in the feet of every factory worker, the sun beetles ate straight through the meagre gardens the town had been trying to grow in an attempt to supplement the insufficient rations the Salt Lord doled out. Most people wanted to give up. And they probably would have if it hadn’t been for DaVeers.

DaVeers noticed that the sun beetles never appeared inside the saltworks factory–and then they found a perimeter of dead sun beetles right along the saltworks runoff. They realised that one of the chemical byproducts from the salt fuel reaction was deadly to the insects and set to work expanding the perimeter.

Within a week, the sun beetles had been eliminated from the town. DaVeers was a hero.

GG S0 Daveers Entry 02 C.png


For DaVeers, their job is about making room for species that would otherwise be elbowed out. They don't kill or exterminate unless it's to carve out space for others to live and help ensure there's balance in the ecosystems of the galaxy.

Not long after their first success, eliminating the sun beetles from their town, DaVeers was called on by another skimmer town that had gotten word of their skills and needed help eliminating a swarm of water gnats that were drinking the dregs of their waning water supply. DaVeers studied the gnats and whipped up a new toxin specifically designed to target them.

DaVeers' name quickly spread around Glance and, shortly after that, to the loading docks and all the tanker ship captains who dealt with ship bug infestations far too regularly. They were hired and deemed the best exterminator in the Wilds far before they realized extermination could be a career.

Their work took them off world as they followed the infestations across the galaxy. They found they loved the work of ensuring that all species had space to thrive – one of the best parts was the constant chemical experimentation and the pools of flammable toxins they cooked up.

They didn't think much about where they were going or where they wanted to end up. They just followed the infestations around the Wilds. That is, until they got a call from the Captain of the Northstar.

GG S0 Daveers Entry 03 C.png


DaVeers responded to a distress call the Captain of the Northstar sent out, asking for immediate help with an infestation of itcher flies. The whole crew had lost their minds after itching for three days straight.

It was a worse infestation than anything DaVeers had seen. They had to quarantine the Freegunner crew and chemical bomb the Northstar. Three rounds of searing showers later, the crew was allowed back onto the ship and DaVeers pronounced them itcher-free. The crew asked DaVeers if they wanted to stay.

DaVeers saw Freegunning a little like extermination. The fact that Freegunners are out there defying the Guild means they're making space for others who would otherwise be smothered and squashed out by the Guild infestation. It's a job DaVeers could get behind. They took the crew up on their offer to stay.

While DaVeers is still well known across the galaxy and often takes extermination gigs, their passion has become Freegunning. They continue to experiment with chemical concoctions and are dedicated to developing the most flammable pools of toxins the Wilds has ever seen. They're also dedicated to perfecting their recipe for the perfect pepper-seed cookies. The crew is more than happy to volunteer as taste-testers any time DaVeers whips up a batch.

Voice Lines

DaVeers was voiced by Janzy Paraiso

Please note the lines heard in this video are pulled from the game files and may not quite match what was heard in game post mix





Weapon Skins

Victory Poses

Defeat Poses

Drop In

Additional Info & Tips

Known Facts

  • DaVeers grew up on the salt fields of Glance, that's where their chemical infatuation started.
  • They mix their own Burnite, a flammable compound equally useful in pest extermination and battlefield control.
  • They run in ahead to breach enemy lines so the rest of the crew can get the job done.
  • Their Grenade Launcher deals explosive area-of-effect damage, and coats the surrounding area in flammable Burnite.
  • Their Ignition Darts offer a quick and accurate way to set it all ablaze.
  • When even more destruction is called for, they also carry self-igniting Burnite Canisters to light up the battlefield.
  • Although they're not much of a cook, they can fry up salt mites and nail the perfect crunchy texture every time.

Tips & Tricks

  • Follow up a direct hit on an enemy with an Ignition Dart for extra damage.
  • Haymar can ignite DaVeers' Burnite pools! Work together to set the battlefield aflame.
  • Use the Grenade Launcher's arc and bounces to land shots on unsuspecting enemies who are not in direct line of sight.
  • When it's launched or thrown. Burnite ignites as it passes through fire from friendly sources and will create pools that start ignited.
  • As fun as it is to set everything on fire, remember to leave yourself a safe place to stand! Turns out fire hurts even your own flames can hurt you.