Crew Builder
Crew Builder
"No one tougher than my crew."
Every job is different, so why bring the same crew every time? If you've got enough crew members-like the Northstar does-you can take your pick each time you go out and put together the perfect team for the job.
The Crew Builder lets you tailor which Freegunners you have access to during Freegunner Select. You can build multiple crews to suit different circumstances. Whether you're chasing the meta or just chasing a meme, going all-in on one strategy or maximising your options, the Crew Builder's got you covered.
You can build multiple crews, then pick which one to use each time, bringing the right roster for every mode and every mood. In addition to your crew, you'll have access to Backups, whose availability will rotate frequently. (See Freegunner Select for more about Backups.)
Default Crew
- When you start out, you'll have access to the default crew.
- At Freegunner Reputation level 1, your default crew will consist of a small number of Freegunners. You'll also have access to 1 Backup.
- As you gain Freegunner Reputation levels, your default crew size and number of Backups will increase.
- Once you reach level 6, you'll have the full complement of 12 Freegunners, plus 4 Backups.
- Also at level 6, you'll unlock the ability to build your own crew.
Building a Crew
- To build a crew, you can select any Freegunner and any Variants you have access to.
- You have 12 total slots, which you can use to choose different Freegunner Variants or to increase your stock of a particular variant (see Stock below). You must fill all 12 slots.
- Your crew must have at least 5 unique Freegunners.
- You'll pick a name for your crew, selecting from a list of options.
- You can name your crews after the mode they're intended for, a character or role that figures prominently, or a variety of Concord food crimes, among other options.
- When building your crew, you get to decide how often to stock up versus fill slots with unique Freegunner Variants.
- Variant stock is the number of copies of any given Freegunner Variant in your crew.
- For example, you may have 3 copies of Lennox Variant I (stock of 3) and 2 copies of Lennox Variant II (stock of 2).
- You may stock up to 3 copies of a particular Variant.
- In a mode with active Variant Knockout, having 3 copies of Lennox Variant I in stock means you can still select that Freegunner Variant in at least three rounds.
- In modes without Variant Knockout, stocks have no effect.
Tips & Tricks
- It's always good to have a variety of roles on your crew so you can accumulate as many different Crew Bonuses as possible.
- Spending your slots on multiple stocks of the same Variant can give you a leg up in modes that use the Freegunner Knockout rule, but...
- Having multiple stocks of the same Freegunner doesn't help you in respawn modes and may make it harder to rack up Crew Bonuses. So it's a good idea to also build a crew with all unique Variants for respawn modes.
- When building your crew, consider what order you might select the characters in. Getting certain Crew Bonuses or preparing the battlefield can be a big help later in the match.
- Set up persistent deployables like Spot Traps or Trip Mines early in the match, then take advantage of them later on.
- Play a Haunt to get the Haunt Crew Bonus Increased Mobility, or prepare the ground with Lark's speed-boosting spores, then play slower characters like Emari who can use the boost.
- Get the Breacher Crew Bonus Faster Dodge Cooldown, then play characters like Kyps or Haymar who rely heavily on dodging.
- Pick up the Anchor Crew Bonus Increased Healing Received, then play characters like Daw or Jabali who can take advantage of their own healing abilities.
- The order of your Freegunners also matters because your leftmost Freegunner is your default choice during Freegunner Select. If you put your favourite character there, or the one you're most likely to pick in the first round, then you're covered if you find yourself AFK as Freegunner Select begins.
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