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UI Role Haunt.pngHaunt | High Complexity

Cunning Knife Fighter.

  • Bazz (she/her) was once heir apparent of the Crescent Moon crime syndicate. However, leadership has traditionally been passed down the male line for generations, and Bazz was passed over after her gender transition. Refusing to yield to a less qualified heir, she struck out into the Wilds to forge her own destiny as a Freegunner.
  • Bold on the battlefield and in her fashion game, Bazz is a skilled tracker that can outmaneuver her enemies. Wielding Carbon Steel Throwing Knives, close quarters fights are her specialty. She can also throw a Scourge Star to increase incoming damage to enemies, or activate a Lunging Strike to deal a deadly melee strike.

"Who says you shouldn't bring knives to a gun fight?"

Abilities Trailer


UI Weapon KnifeExpert Knife.pngCarbon Steel Throwing Knives

  • Quick, consecutive, single knife throws
  • Must occasionally replenish the bundle of knives in her offhand
  • Mid range
  • High precision
  • Stylish wraps for enhanced grip and high fashion


UI Ability KnifeExpert HexKnife.pngScourge Star

  • Activated with L1
  • Thrown item that applies the Vulnerable debuff to an enemy, increasing incoming damage dealt to them until the effect wears off.
  • Sloop: Eliminations spawn an object that will restore a charge on collection.

UI Ability KnifeExpert Lunge.pngLunging Strike

  • Activated with R1
  • Lunge towards enemies with a deadly melee strike.
  • Sloop: Recharges automatically after cooldown.


  • Double Jump
  • Triple Dodge
  • Boosted Slide Jump

Gain extra height when jumping out of a slide.

Passive Ability

Beacon Blades

  • Hitting an enemy with Throwing Knife will Track them, making them detectable through walls, for a short duration.


Variant I

Trait: Skillful Tracker

  • While crouched. Track nearby enemies through walls.

Variant II (Unreleased)

Trait: Swift Hunter

  • Hitting an enemy with Scorge Star grants you increased mobility and handling.


  • Bazz Variant II's flanking advantage gives you the added agility you need to outmaneuver enemies in the moments that matter most. Debuff your enemies with your Scourge Star and confidently close the gap—though it's probably still a good idea to flank from behind with a Lunging Strike, Boosted Slide Jump, or Triple Dodge.


GG S0 Bazz Tooltip C.png

Confident Go-Getter

// HUMAN // Born into a high-profile syndicate family

// WILDS MEGA STATION 08 // Bazz made a clean break from her family and started fresh in the Wilds on her own

// SELF-RELIANT TALENT // Born the heir apparent to the Crescent Moon syndicate and its Superlight Transport front company, Bazz was passed over after her gender transition – leadership has traditionally passed down the male line. She refused to yield to a less qualified heir. Confident that she didn’t need to inherit anything to thrive, she struck out into the Wilds to forge her own way and define her own truth.

Choosing Truth

GG S0 Bazz Entry 01 C.png

Bazz was born into an inheriting generation of the Crescent Moon shipping empire. In the Crescent Moon, leadership is passed down every other generation – through the male line. Bazz’s parents had groomed her from birth, pushing her to outshine her cousins and garner the attention of her Grandfather, Dom Lunem, leader of the Crescent Moon.

But his attention was notoriously fickle; he was intentionally unclear about his expectations and seemed to be looking for elusive traits in his heir. The contingent of cousins were left to flounder, frustrated and confused.

Bazz had no intention of wasting her time like the rest of them. Unlike her cousins who spent their days talking over each other in the board room, hoping to be heard and earn Dom Lunem’s praise. Bazz got to work. She started in the sorting hubs, learning the industry from the bottom up as a humble box cutter. That’s where she first developed her knife skills.

There’s no substitute for experience, and in short order Bazz had experience up and down the whole shipping pipeline, from sorting to stamping, from routing to packing to fuel allocation and bulk delivery efficiencies. She knew her way around a warehouse, a transport ship, and a Guild checkpoint. And she knew what the Wilds needed. She understood the political landscape.

Of all the cousins, she was the one to turn Dom Lunem’s head.

But he turned away again after her gender transition. Inheritance passes down through the male line every other generation. That’s the way the Crescent Moon has always been run. Regardless of Bazz’s talent, Dom Lunem made it clear that rules would be adhered to.

So Bazz chose to leave.

Bittersweet Goodbye

GG S0 Bazz Entry 02 C.png

Bazz knew exactly who she was and she knew exactly what she was capable of. She had earned the position of Crescent Moon heir, but it wouldn't be hers. And she couldn't stomach reporting up to one of her less-qualified cousins. She deserved a life that was her own.

Leaving the Crescent Moon is not an acceptable thing to do. Those born into the family stay in the family. No exceptions.

But Bazz had to leave. And it had to be a clean break.

One of the upsides of having learned the routes and regulations for shipping was that she knew exactly what kind of identification and licenses she'd have to falsify to get through the checkpoints and start her new life as Bazz – no connection whatsoever to the Crescent Moon.

The only casualty of her departure was one of her cousin's kneecaps – he tried to stop her; she couldn't let him do that. But even as his knee cap cracked, she knew she had made an enemy for life, someone who wouldn't let her just slip away into the stars, someone who would be searching for her, relentlessly, for the rest of their lives.

Good luck finding her in the overcrowded, under-regulated, chaotic maze of Mega Station 08.

In a different scenario – one where she didn't have to be the new head of the Crescent Moon waiting to pounce the moment she surfaced – Bazz could have leveraged her familiarity with Wilds politics, her knowledge of shipping across worlds, and the family name to start her own empire. But an empire isn't worth much if you aren't alive to run it.

Besides, she didn't want to just be a new version of her grandfather. She wanted to define her own life, follow her own passions, and earn every bit of her success. Without the Crescent Moon name behind her, she had to make the name Bazz mean something. At the moment, no one knew her. So she had to start with the first step.

Earning a Reputation

GG S0 Bazz Entry 03 C.png

Mega Station 08 had a lot of opportunities for first steps. The hundreds of stalls at the food court were always hiring, as were the stores, fuel bays, and starship washes. Bazz landed a gig at a beauty parlor doing shaves, cuts, and colors. Her skill with a blade was obvious and her boldness with color and style earned her repeat customers who spread the word across the Wilds.

She supplemented the coin she earned at her day job with a side-gig at Templeton Fry's Rook carnival. Mega Station 08 was known for its underground entertainment, especially the carnival "games". Folks from around the galaxy looking to blow off steam could test their mettle and skill against those Fry dubbed "the best in the Wilds."

On their first meeting, Fry recognized Bazz's knife-throwing skills and cleared out a stall for her on the busiest corridor of the carnival. She was stationed right across from the pit fighting arena where she had a view of the massive blue Kallosian warrior known as Star Child who had been the reigning champion of the pit for years.

Bazz's styling skills had earned her a reputation, and now her knife-throwing expertise made her famous. Folks came from around the Wilds to face off against the deadliest knife thrower in the galaxy. She won every showdown – including against a very competitive and confident Claxton with an explody knife.

More than a little impressed with Bazz's skill, Lennox asked her if she wanted to join the crew of the Northstar. They were in need of some precision and cunning – and he'd be lying if he said they couldn't use a little style, too.

Freegunning wasn't something Bazz had considered, but the chance of flying anytime and anywhere she wanted was a life she couldn't turn down. And the crew of the Northstar turned out to be exactly what she didn't know she needed.

She trusts them with the truth of her past, and they trust her with their lives. She brings knives to a gunfight, day in and day out, and she comes out on top every time. She may not have her own empire yet, but she's got a strong start.

Voice Lines

Bazz was voiced by Mila Jam

Please note the lines heard in this video are pulled from the game files and may not quite match what was heard in game post mix





Weapon Skins

Victory Poses

Defeat Poses

Drop In

Additional Info & Tips

Known Facts

  • Bazz is as bold on the battlefield as she is with her fashion game-she goes nowhere without fine kicks, stylish eyewear, and a seemingly endless supply of knives.
  • From street smarts to tactical skills, there are few who can outmanoeuvre her on the battlefield.
  • She knows Crater City like the back of her hand and always has a finger on the pulse of galactic politics.
  • A skilled tracker, she can also keep tabs on her opponents: she marks them with her first hit, ensuring she can finish them. Close quarters fighting is familiar territory, and Bazz shows no fear as she lunges in to attack.
  • She's skilled at dodging her opponents' volleys, so she can land the most, and final, hits in a fight.

Tips & Tricks

  • Bazz is most dangerous up close, so when flanking an enemy, close as much ground as possible before beginning the attack.
  • Try to open a fight with Scourge Star to help maximise damage.
  • Utilise Triple Dodge to avoid running into a team head on. Flanking from behind rather than charging straight in is a better option for Bazz!
  • Boosted Slide Jump is a great way to outmanoeuvre your opponents and strike from above or behind.
  • Boosted Slide Jump into Lunging Strike is a powerful way to kick off a fight and disorient your enemy.